Publicly address this serious rights violation against child victims!
Stop funding the promblem!
This is really hard to believe. I am sitting in a room filled with women who were beaten, and violated in terrible ways. The room is not in Bosnia, or some far flung third-world hell-hole. I am in a function room in a hotel in Albany at the Battered Mothers Custody Conference
by Cindy Ross © December 31, 2002
by Cindy Ross © December 31, 2002
U.S. Representatives and others outraged at NIH's "misplaced" priorities, need to know who is behind this federally funded perversion. It is already well documented that the so-called "fathers' rights" movement and its' allied psychological "experts", concocted "Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) -- a legal defense of child molesters -- as the means to conceal a pedophile "ring" operating through family courts. PAS methodology calls for diverting federal grant program funding through child custody cases, in the guise of promoting "responsible fatherhood.".
Fathers' rights organizations are also affiliated with lesser known "alternative feminist" groups, primarily the "ifeminists", headed by Fox News commentator Wendy McElroy. . Ifeminists dismiss "normal" mothers, especially those who are against pornography and sexual abuse of children, as man-haters on a mission to eliminate "dads" from their children's lives.
Warren Farrell, whose "guest editorial" appears at the ifeminist website, is not a psychologist, but a political scientist whose area of expertise is incest, especially father-daughter sex. See "How dads who can't be with their children can". Farrell's early "research" is "documented" in the Penthouse Magazine article, "Incest, the last taboo":
It is likely that the ifeminists are directly involved in the federally funded porn arousal study. It is also likely that they intend to use study results to fight obscenity laws, in addition to outright promotion of deviant sexual practices, including adult-child sex. Links at Wendy McElroy's web site emphasize the "right to pornography" and other anti-porn actions . See: "A Woman's Right to Pornography"
McElroy ridicules legitimate feminist groups for failure to "admit" they want to maintain more access to pornography, as well as for trying to assist mothers fighting to protect their children from sexual (and physical) abuse, in corrupted family court cases. See the NOW Family Court Report 2002.
Her stance in support of pedophiles is most dramatic in attacks on mainstream mothers' groups who report the well-documented links between fathers' rights organizations and pedophiliac psychologists. See "Feminist Activist Accuses Father's Rights Groups of Criminal Act".
McElroy dismisses child advocates fighting systematic abuse as "radical feminists", even though leading conservative public policy analysts (including Robert Knight of Concerned Women of America) long ago identified the fathers' groups she is affiliated with as associated with pedophiles.
Another key link between the NIH female sexual arousal study and the 'closet' pedophile agenda, is Michael Lamb of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Lamb, who heads the Section on Social and Emotional Development, is closely affiliated with the pro-pedophilia "experts" whose materials are used by fathers' group members in their own court cases. Lamb writing's may give the appearance of neutrality, but they are carefully crafted to provide justification for disqualifying evidence of pedophilia.
Lamb is associated with Ralph Underwager, one of the "psychologists" identified in the Robert Knight report, who -- in an interview in Paidika (a Dutch pedophile publication), with his wife Hollida Wakefield -- stated:
"Pedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say that what they want is to find the best way to love...Pedophiles can make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they choose. With boldness they can say, "I believe this is in fact part of God's will." See Paidika Interview: Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager. .
Lamb's connection to Underwager comes primarily through the Children's Rights Council (CRC), the "umbrella" organization of the fathers' rights movement. CRC, formerly called National Council for Children's Rights, is also affiliated with other pedophiles and incest advocates, including Richard Gardner -- who coined the term PAS -- and Warren Farrell.
Richard Gardner's bizarre writings include discussions of sexually inhibited wives being the cause of 'false child abuse allegations', because mothers are envious of fathers' ability to relate sexually to others, including their children. Gardner believes that both women and children should be taught to use vibrators to make them less "up tight" about sex.
While he is considered the "custody guru" of the fathers' rights movement, his actual agenda is the normalization of sexual paraphilias: See IPT Journal - "A Theory About the Variety of Human Sexual Behavior" (Note that this article is posted at Underwager's website.)
Lamb uses materials developed by Underwager and Gardner in his NIH studies, including in his work with Joan Kelly regarding "parenting time" and "alienation". See "Overnight Parenting Time With Infants". See University of Virginia news story. Kelly is a founding official of CRC. She is also an Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) affiliated "mediator" who teaches PAS to judges and "special masters" (mediators with quasi-judicial authority) and sets up PAS custody switching programs in courts across the country, which (mis)use federal Access to Visitation Enforcement Program funding.
Since both McElroy and Lamb both are affiliated with the pedophile psychological movement and the fathers' rights groups that promote sex in the guise of "custody resolution", it is very likely they are also the "instigators" of the female sexual arousal study. This toxic mix of women who want more access to pornography, men who want more cover up theories for child sex abuse and psychologists who specialize in pathologizing mothers' attempts to protect their children, could easily lead to federally funded programs which validate pornography as positive and healthy. This terrible infiltration of sexual deviance into government programs, especially through the Department of Health and Human Services, needs to be thoroughly investigated by Congress.
Cindy Ross is the California Director of the National Alliance for Family Court Justice.,cindy12,31,02commentary.htm
PASRailroadingchildabusevictims: Joyanna Silberg, PhD “How do you explain to young ...
PASRailroadingchildabusevictims: Joyanna Silberg, PhD “How do you explain to young ...: "Joyanna Silberg, PhD, a Clinical Psychologist and Executive Vice President of the Counci, has also seen first hand the long-term emotional d..."
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