Friday, October 14, 2011

attachment supervised visitation center wisconsin 2010

Therapeutic Jurisprudence Contents Page: Child Custody Evaluators
... post-divorce relocation, child custody, attachment, and child development ...psychologist mediators, supervised visitation centers, guardians ad litem, ...

National Child Welfare Resource Center on Legal and Judicial Issues
Supervised Visitation. The CIP Visitation Subcommittee continues to work ... The booklet was published and distributed in fall 2010...... for kinship guardianship payments for children who have a strong attachment to and are cared for ......Wisconsin 's current performance on each measure is compared to the 75th ..

Post-Adoption Resource Center of Family Services
The Post-Adoption Resource Center of Family Services offers assistance for anyone ...Resource Center (PARC), Prenatal Care Coordination (PCC), Supervised Visitation ...Resource Center (PARC) for a 17-county area in northeast Wisconsin... AttachmentIssues ... In 2010, the Post-Adoption Resource Center provided ...

  1. [PDF] 

    Human Services Director's Report To the Health & Human Services Board
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    (Attachment to November 2010 Director's Report) ... be held in January in conjunction with the opening of the Law Enforcement Center addition. • COMPAS – The State ofWisconsin Department of Corrections is in the process of implementing .... Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange grant provided through the United ...
  2. 6 years 449496 Children in Wisconsin and 987710 - Blogger
    Jul 8, 2011 – supervised visitation centers, and other profiteers of "therapeutic . ...CHILDRENS VOICES SHOULD BE HEARD: End attachment therapy and ...
  3. [PDF] 

    Family Interactions 1 Family Interactions Pathway to Permanence ...
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    Ann M. Larsen. Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan ... to promote attachment and permanence in a safe and supervised setting. The core ...Traditional supervised visitation models for families with children in out-of-home ...facility features a modified kitchen to allow for meal and snack preparation. .

    Graduate ... - Psychology Department - The University of Montana
    CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY CENTER ... Madathil, Renee (2010/11). ... Attachment, Personality and Conflict Behaviors in Romantic Couples: ... A Comparative Study of Divorced Families and Families Utilizing Supervised Visitation Services: Child ... Univ. of WI-Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI .

    1. Supervised Visitation « Let'sGetHonestBlog
      WI. FOREST. Indian Tribal Council. 10ICWI4004. 2010 OCSET. 1. 10/01/2009. 93563...... including parent alienation, attachment, abuse and neglect, and trauma. ... the first Neutral Child-Exchange and Supervised Visitation facility ever ...
    2. [PDF] 

      Clearinghouse on Supervised Visitation Index of Trainings for 2008 ...
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      September 2010, E-Press. Child Abuse ... What Supervised Visitation Programs Should Know About Kids with Type 1 Diabetes. September 2010, E- ... All aboutAttachment: Theory, Quality, & Practical Advice. May 2008, E- ... Applying Art Therapy Techniques: A Family-Centered Way to Strengthen the Parent-Child. Bond at ...
    3. [PDF] 

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      Mail or deliver the completed application, with _a_l_l attachments, to: .... 2007 - 2010Independent Guardian ad Litem, King County, Washington, California, Wisconsin. 2007 - 2010 Kitsap County Title 26 Guardian ad Litem Registry, Washington ... 2003 - 2005 Hanson°s Haven, Family Counselor/Supervised Visitation ...
    4. Intermountain - About Us
      BSW in Social Work from University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse; MSW in Social Work from ... Intermountain employee since: 2010 ... Two of these children are ReactiveAttachment Disordered with other mental health diagnoses. ... a Drug Testing Facilitythat also provided Parent Education and Supervised Visitation Services. ...

      Child Custody & Divorce Resources for Maine
      How To Go To Visitation Without Throwing Up is a book for young children about ...Child/parent attachment assessment. Therapeutic supervised visitation ... New York, New Jersey, Texas, Georgia, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin.... 2010 Edition. ....Center for Mental Health Services Site includes; Search, What's New, .

      1. [PDF] 

        1 ROBIN M. DEUTSCH, PH.D. Children and the Law Program ...
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        Mar 1, 2009 – 1989 Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison ... Shumaker, D.M., Ortiz, C., & Deutsch, R. (2010). The forgotten bonds: Assessment and contemplation of siblingattachment in divorce and parental separation. ..... Member, Board of Directors, Meeting Place Supervised Visitation Center, Cambridge, MA 1992- ...
      2. [PDF] 

        PartnersSummer093:Layout 1 - Adoption Resources of Wisconsin
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        Jun 9, 2009 – physical, sexual or emotional abuse, previous attachment history, the parent's comfort with their role as primary caregivers, ..... as well as possibilities withsupervised visitation..... Green Lake Conference Center, Green Lake .... page.aspx) will remain online through February 2010...

        1. [PDF] 

          Protecting and Promoting Meaningful Connections: The Importance of ...

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          Jan 14, 2010 – their connections – their bonds and attachments .... supervised visitation places the child's life, health ... system, requires that by December 31, 2010, at ...... In Southern New Jersey, the Child Family Resource Center Program .....Wisconsin River Falls, July 2005. 68New Jersey Department of ...
        2. [PDF] 

          decision making org chart ATTACH

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          Since Wisconsin has a state supervised, county administered system for many services, .... visiting programs in Wisconsin including risks, strengths, need and local service systems: ... a population of 594833 according to the 2010 census data. ... which reach into adulthood (Centre for Community Child Health, 2009). ...
        3. Children's Court of Victoria - Research Materials - Family - General

          Jul 12, 2011 – Effect on child of separation from primary attachment figure ..... In 2009-2010 the national average was 26%. Also as in Victoria, ...... Partnership at the University of Wisconsin River Falls, 2005, 12-13). ..... Improving the lives of children in foster care: The impact of supervised visitation..

          1. CPS Child | Ripoff Report Directory | Complaints Reviews Scams ...

            11/9/2010 5:47 AM. Riverside County CPS Banning CPS, Child Protective ... Texas CPS Child Protective Services CPS Refuses even supervised visitation while ... single displaced mother and well cared for child Richland Center Wisconsin . ...
          2. 2010 July « Battered Mothers-A Human Rights Issue

            by C Dombrowski - Related articles
            Whereas: Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that .... in which mothers are blamed for interfering with their children's attachment to their .....Supervised visitation programs provide services to courts in visitation and ... of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, based in Madison, Wis...
          3. MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse

            added 03/17/2010. Mitru Ciarlante, National Center for Victims of Crime ...... Bonding and Attachment in Maltreated Children: Consequences of Emotional Neglect ...... and the need to include supervised visitation centers within a larger ...... in Green Bay,Wisconsin to discuss challenges to, and opportunities for, ...
          4. Child Visitation Issues

            views: 183; posted: 4/15/2010; language: English; pages: 13. Public Domain ....SUPERVISED VISITATION, DRUG ABUSE AND VIOLENCE. ... Eau Claire, WI: National Business ... Parent-Child Relationships and How Attachment Is Impacted by Parental Contact Can ..... 6 Journal of the Center for Families, Children and the

            1. [PDF] 

              Dane County, Wisconsin August 2008 PROTOCOLS FOR ASSESSMENT AND ...

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              James K. Gerndt, PhD, Midwest Center for Psychotherapy and Sex Therapy ...... .Dyad sessions encourage better attachment and relationships ...... supervised visitation. As noted above, parent offenders can cause problems in ways that ...
            2. [PDF] 

              Summary of OCSE-funded projects on FATHERHOOD

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              Child Access and Visitation – Employment and Training – ... Wisconsin: Children UpFront Program… ... Center for Policy Research: Healthy Babies-Healthy .... Another important aspect of the project was the use of Writs of Attachment for parents ......percent after parent education; and 45 percent after supervised visitation...

              1. [PDF] 

                2009 Annual Report - Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

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                from staff located throughout Wisconsin. Abuse/neglect counseling. 29. Adoption Therapy Center. 55. Attachment Therapy. 2. Child and Family Counseling ...
              2. Gravelle Case Update: Protecting the Innocent Victims from Zealous ...

       › adoption › gravelle
                "Returning the children to the home, or allowing visitation to occur in the home that ...County, stating that Mercy requires supervised care because she may need surgery ...They were caring for children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Autism, ReactiveAttachment Disorder, HIV .... Last Updated: 7/13/2010, Contact: Webmaster ...
              3. Casey A. Holtz, Ph.D.

                Ph.D., Marquette University, Counseling Psychology (2010... affiliated with Marquette University and Penfield Children's Center where he gained ... depression at Medical College of Wisconsin and was supervised and trained in couples ... child custody andvisitation, parental fitness evaluations, collaborative parenting, ...
              4. [PDF] 

                CURRICULUM VITAE

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                University of Wisconsin – Madison. May 2010. Dissertation: Testing theoretical models of aggression and sustained attention ... Master's Thesis: The Success of Family-Centered Intervention with Families Experiencing Multiple Risk ... Introduced Portfolio Assessment to students and supervised their implementation of this ...
              5. [PDF] 

                2008 Biennial Report to Congress on the Effectiveness of Grant ...

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                Full-time equivalent staff funded by Supervised Visitation Program . ..... periods covered by this report; these data will be included in the 2010 Biennial Report to ......Through December 31, 2007, the Center has provided services to 9482 ...... 19-20, 2005 in Wausau Wisconsin. Fifty-seven attorneys, advocates, ...
              6. Visiting Information for SCI Camp Hill - Prison Talk

                Pennsylvania Prison Visitation All information & questions related to visitation in all ...Inmates in the Central Diagnostic Classification Center shall not receive regular .... (c) Status 3: Two (2) hour visit in the Infirmary visiting area supervised by a ... Update: As of July 2010, SCI-Camp Hill changed their visiting hours to include ...
              7. False Allegations of Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault, or Rape of ...

                Sep 14, 2011 – Missing and Exploited Children, National Center for(external link) ....(NEWLY uploaded older file) Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) .... Visitation: supervised or unsupervisedSee also Supervised visitation ...


                II nn TT hh ii ss II ss ss uu ee II mm pp oo rr tt aa nn tt II nn ...

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                directions are below and in the attachment. Subgrantees can call the GMS Helpdesk to.... York and Wisconsin that were decided in May. The ..... the February 2010 State STOP Administrators' and ..... and visitation center staff, as well as those who are ... to provide safe supervised visitation and exchange ...

                How to Win Your Child Custody Battle

                False, Supervised Visitation Profile for False Accuser Acknowledgement of Paternity Acquittal ... Family Support Center Fenn v. Fenn, Step-Parent ..... AttachmentAttention Deficit Borderline Personality Depersonalization .... Laws may not hide child,WI v. United States, case ...... 10/18/2010. Since February 1993.

                1. [PDF] 

                  State of Wisconsin's Application - FRIENDS National Resource Center

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                  Feb 1, 2009 – Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Wisconsin Home Visitation .... Year2010, family resource centers were required to respond regarding their plans for ...Response Models are included as attachments to this application. ..... the different skills and knowledge needed to effectively supervise staff and manage ...
                2. [PDF] 

                  Newsletter Oct04 EXTERNAL

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                  ing supervised visitations and safe exchanges. [grant program ... ternatives to traditional visitation centers and describe ... lation will burgeon between the years 2010and. 2030 when .... attachment..... “Wi-Fi Access and Community Advocacy” ...

                  1. [PDF] 

                    Handout 2 - Wisconsin Department of Health Services

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                    8/16/2010. 2. Principles. • Family-centered treatment is comprehensive. • Women define their families. • Treatment is based on the unique .... Supervised Visitation. • Referral Services ... Address the staff emotional attachment to the children. – Staffings ...National Center on. Substance Abuse and Child Welfare ...
                  2. [PDF] 

                    Witt 2010

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                    and “visitation” may have come to imply a “winner take all” notion that is no ... When the established wrongdoing centers on viewing child pornography ..... attachmentconsiderations, risk factors, and values considerations that vary .... from wife but not yet divorced) is presently required to have supervised visitation with ...

           › ... › January, 2010
                    ... Child Diagnostics Treatment Center (Woodbridge Diagnostics). ... Supervised visitation between K.H. and M.H. commenced on May 23, 2007, and ... And that if thisattachment were broken, that [M.H.] would be likely to .... 584, 603, 99 S. Ct. 2493, 2504, 61 L. Ed.2d 101, 119 (1979) (citing Wisconsin v. ..... January 25, 2010 ...
                  4. Speaker - Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome

                    She is the Director of Research at the Vincent J. Fontana Center for Child Protection. ...and visitation; parental alienation; testimony regarding behavioral genomics; and ... In2010, Dr. Bernet published Parental Alienation, DSM-5, and ICD-11. ..... for the first four Virtual Visitation Laws in the United States in Utah, Wisconsin...
                  5. Who's Presenting at 2010 AFCC Conference « Let'sGetHonestBlog

                    Dec 15, 2009 – They must use supervised visitation centers or monitors approved by the court at .... partner violence, alienation, substance abuse, and attachment..... She was an assistant professor of psychology at University of Wisconsin...
                  6. [PDF] 

                    Judicial Guide to Implementing the Fostering Connections to ...

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                    Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and the National Center for State Courts...... They must demonstrate a strong attachment to the prospective relative ... Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee, and Wisconsin... including whether the visitation is supervised, location, frequency, best interest ...

                    HHS funding pro-abuser counseling, mediation and custody orders

                    Thursday, 01 July 2010 08:51 ... Prepared by Center for Policy Research and Policy Studies, Inc.[1] ... And if the mediation plan includes an agreement for supervised visitation, the family can .... [2] See attachment – “RESEARCH INDICATING THAT THE ... Wisconsin) Dad sentenced to just probation, treatment for attempted ...

                    Teresa Witthuhn - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything ...

                    Tammy Witthuhn - Oshkosh, WI | MyLife&#8482 ... Center for Self Teaching - TheCenter for Self-Teaching (CST) is a non-profit spiritual ... SVDirectory is the largest listing of supervised visitation providers and services on the web. ... The 2nd AnnualAttachment & Trauma Network Parenting Traumatized Children ...

                    Domestic Violence Publications

                    Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Data Resource Center banner ... Presented at the 2010 National Criminal Justice Association West Regional Meeting, ... Ten lessons learned in Alaska: Home visitation and intimate partner violence. ..... Supervised and unsupervised parental access in domestic violence cases: Court ...



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                    by KC Guinn - 2002 - Related articles
                    Attachment L. Home Care Services in Nevada Chart ... episodic treatment rather than preservation of health and function or prevention of disease; .... By June 30, 2010, the Nevada hospital admission rate and average length of stay for seniors ...

                    1. Fornits Home for Wayward Web Fora • View topic - Be Wary of ...

                      10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Mar 27
                      "Attachment therapy" (AT), as the practitioners call their trade, has a ..... (Before the State Board of Social Work Examiners, State of Colorado, 2000) ..... Posts: 8: Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:56 pm. Top ..... where she has conducted unlicensed sessions inNevada City, in the foothills east of Sacramento. ...
                    2. Potentially Harmful and Other Questionable Therapies

                      Go here to read a Statement of Support from social work, psychology and other .... In a recent interview Steve Hassan gave to a Las Vegas Nevada ratio station, KNPR ...prosecutions that ended one of nation's largest “attachment therapy” clinics. .... other therapies she writes about in her Trauma Treatment Handbook (2010...
                    3. [PDF] 

                      DANIEL J

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                      Adolescent In-patient Service, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital. 1987-89. Fellow ...Executive Board Member, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior ...2010. Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Lynn Lecture Series Speaker. 2009 .... Changing minds in therapy: Emotion, attachment, trauma, and neurobiology. ...
                    4. Addiction Treatment Forum Conferences Meetings on Substance ...

                      Opioid Treatment Providers of Georgia 2010 Fall Conference ... Society for Social Work & Research (SSWR) 16th Annual Conference ... Las Vegas, Nevada ...
                    5. Lesley Jones | LinkedIn

                      Las Vegas, Nevada Area - at Mohave Mental Health Clinic - Community Care Services
                      Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Area; Industry: Mental Health Care ... Provided cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, and attachment therapy to children ... Mental Health Care industry. September 2009 – September 2010 (1 year 1 month... Activities and Societies: School of Social Work Disaster Relief Group ...
                    6. The Amen Clinics

                      I have worked extensively with adults with ADHD, anxiety, depression, social phobia, ...The scans have been vital in my work with difficult adolescents & their families who ...Each therapist is able to assist the patient in assessment, referral, the ......Attachment centered therapy offering a wide range of services, including ...
                    7. Why You Can't be Friends With Your Therapist – Ever! | Therapy ...

                      Jan 10, 2010 – Envy and resentment do not work well in any friendship. ... Sonia Neale at 1:09 am on January 11th, 2010 ... As a general rule, the various psychological andsocial work organizations have no official strictures on post-therapy friendships, but..... If you don't have the abandonment or attachment issues she ...
                    8. NRS Subject Index: A - Nevada Legislature

                      Newborn child, delivery by parent to provider of emergency services, 128.097, 432B.630. Privileges, rules .... Physical therapists and physical therapy assistants, 640.170, 640.275, 640.300. Physician assistants ..... Attachment (See ATTACHMENT.....Social workers, grounds for disciplinary action, 641B.400. Treatment and ...
                    9. [DOC] 


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                      2005 Degree in Social Work, Specialization in Clinical Social Work. Dissertation: ...Adolescents in wilderness treatment: A qualitative study of attachment relationships.... Tosone, C., Bettmann, J.E., Minami, T., & Jasperson, R.A. (2010). ..... Poster presentation at the Western Institute of Nursing Conference, Las VegasNV.

                                          1. The Use and Abuse of Attachment Theory in Clinical Practice with Maltreated Children, Part II: Treatment

                                            1. Brian Allen
                                              1. Department of Psychology, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX, USA,


                                            Recent years have witnessed a growing debate about the role of attachment theory in the treatment of maltreated children. Many professional organizations have issued statements against physically restraining children as some attachment therapists promote; however, often lost in these debates is the fundamental issue of what attachment theory and research proposes as the appropriate form of treatment. Given that these attachment therapies are often directed toward maltreated children, it becomes critical for clinicians working with abused and neglected children to understand these issues and recognize unethical and dangerous treatments. This article provides a summary of the theoretical and empirical bases for the use of attachment theory in the treatment of maltreated school-age children, an examination of the ways questionable approaches to treatment have misinterpreted and misapplied attachment theory, and a conceptualization of attachment-based intervention grounded in current theory and research.

                                                  1. 368,379 people killed, 306,096 injured and over $2,815,931,000 in economic damages 

                                                    What's the harm in Attachment Therapy?

                                                    Attachment therapy is a method of treating children with "Reactive Attachment Disorder" that is thought to be dangerous and ineffective by reputable therapists.  Read more about Attachment Therapy
                                                    Here are 30 people who were harmed by someone not thinking critically

                                                    This theory needs to end somehow, someway these theory's must end. It should be about the fact that richard gardner invented a theory based on pro-pedophilia and that theory spread threw out a family court system for three decades and children were harmed. They were threatened, they were placed in forced holding sessions with abusers, they were scared, they were hurt, and a theory blocked all criminal. This theory has polluted our court systems for far to long it is time to end this for the children and honor the survivors of this for all that they endured end this theory.


                                                    Report of the APSAC Task Force on Attachment Therapy, Reactive ...

                                                    You +1'd this publicly. Undo
                                                    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
                                                    by FAC Center - 2006 - Cited by 54 - Related articles
                                                    potentially harmful attachment therapy techniques used by a .... attachment therapies is that young children who ..... have resulted in demonstrable harm....

                                                    Fatal Misunderstandings About Reactive Attachment Disorder ...

                                                    You +1'd this publicly. Undo
                                                    Feb 6, 2010 – Dangerous misunderstandings harm foster children and others. ...Attachment Therapy and its role in the death of Candace Newmaker in 2000 

                                                    Parental Alienation

                                                    posted Aug 28, 2011 8:50 AM by victorious children

                                                    Stop Martha Welch Attachment Therapy - YouTube

                                           12, 2010 - 4 min - Uploaded by ACTonlinevideos
                                                    Stop Martha Welch Attachment Therapy. ACTonlinevideos 7 videos. Subscribe ... Alert icon. You need Adobe Flash Player to watch t

                                                    Attachment Therapist Neil Feinberg Terrorizes ...

                                                    youtube.comOct 7, 2010 - 7 min - Uploaded by ACTonlinevideos
                                                    We are an educational and public advocacy organization dedicated to halting the dangerous cruelty done to children by .


                                                    1. STOP THIS CHILD ABUSE CALLED "THERAPY"

                                                      youtube.comJan 23, 2010 - 6 min - Uploaded by MsGOLDENTONES
                                                      this beautiful child was put through "therapy" no child should be subjected to---------the worst kind of CHILD 
                                                      ABUSE--therapy ...

                                                    2. Attachment Therapy Practiced on Infants

                                                      youtube.comOct 12, 2010 - 29 sec - Uploaded by ACTonlinevideos
                                                      We are an educational and public advocacy organization dedicated to halting the dangerous cruelty done to children by .

                                                    AT Victim — Candace Newmaker - Advocates for Children in Therapy

                                                    Two Attachment Therapists in Colorado were found guilty by a jury of reckless ... day after a video camera recorded the four Colorado therapists killing Candace, ..

                                                    Be Wary of Attachment Therapy

                                                    Jul 24, 2003 – "Attachment therapy" (AT), as the practitioners call their trade, has a ....and upon the Board's examination of a video tape of the treatment of ..


                                                    Out of date but great idea sign petition below for federal investigation. Thank you and please pass this along children are in need of protection.

                                                    Abra Cadabra? Cut $4BB HHS OCSE Funding Used to take Battered Mothers Children and Give to Abusers

                                                    Abra Cadabra? Cut $4BB HHS OCSE Funding Used Against Battered Mothers
                                                    SIGN THIS PETITION

                                                    There is $4 billion of untraceable funding within the HHS TANF budget used by OCSE to encourage enforcement agencies to illegally use HHS Office of Child Support Enforcement funding against stated purpose, guidelines, and federal law; it provides funding so that the more families fight, the more federal money DCSS and the Court receive. Grant Programs include Parenting Opportunity Programs and/or Access to Visitation Programs. These programs do not have appropriate oversight,  The success of the program is defined exclusively by the number of fathers who are participants as opposed to measuring the degree of healthy outcomes for entire families. The Court is in charge of awarding these federal funds to nonprofits, but also orders litigants to retain their services. Court and child support programs are specifically required to collaborate with Fathers Rights nonprofit organizations which service the courts.  This gives these same nonprofits a vested interest in the outcome of the cases; and the higher the conflict case, the more lucrative for agencies and the courts. This system has incentivized extortion, corruption, and fraud, as well as endangered children. Judicial authorities in select regions also improperly capitalize on grant money. Frequent conflicts of interest have arisen.
                                                    Congressional and DOJ investigations have been initiated both during and prior to 2011, and extensive documentation is available to congressional and/or senatorial officials.

                                                                                  1. WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO:
                                                                                    CALL FOR A FEDERAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE FAMILY COURT SYSTEM AND MIS-USE OF PARENTAL ALIENATION THEORY IN CHILD ABUSE
                                                                                    HOW TO SILENCE A CHILD ABUSE VICTIM USE PARENTAL ALIENATION:
                                                                                    1.FORCED COMPLIANCE(PUT THEM IN ABUSERS HOME) AND NORMALIZE IT:
                                                                                    2.THREAT THERAPY FOR SPEAKING OUT:
                                                                                     Sep 23, 2011Created:
                                                                                     , , Issues:Civil Rights and LibertiesFamilyHuman Rights
                                                                                    Learn about Petition Thresholds


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