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Source check on FMSF Scientific and Professional Advisory Board, September, 2002

posted Sep 13, 2011 7:07 AM by victorious children
FMSF Scientific and Professional  Advisory Board,      September, 2002

AARON T. BECK, M.D., D.M.S., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA; High Conflict Personalities: Understanding and ... - Cached
A godsend for handling difficult personalities who won't stop fighting. .... Key Steps, Marisa Baridis, Susan Smith, Dan Broderick, Parental Alienation, Smith Barney, ... Second Edition by Aaron TBeck MD on page 14, page 94, and Back Matter ...

Kindle Books: Psychology & Counseling Category: None - Cached
Mar 4, 2011 – Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) occurs when divorcing parents use children as ... Author: Aaron T.Beck MD Manufacturer: The Guilford Press ... Updating and?reformulating Aaron TBeck's pioneering cognitive model of

Kindle Books: Psychology & Counseling - Cached
Mar 4, 2011 – Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) occurs when divorcing parents use children as pawns, ... Updating and?reformulating Aaron TBeck's pioneering cognitive model of .... Author: Steven J. Md Wolin Author: Sybil Phd Wolin ...
 TERENCE W. CAMPBELL, Ph.D.,  Clinical  and  Forensic  Psychology,
Sterling Heights, MI;

  1. Dr. Terence Campbell - Parental AlienationSyndrome & Family ... min - Apr 14, 2010 -Uploaded by PASAttorney
    Visit us at Dr.Terence Campbell - Parental AlienationSyndrome & Family Psychology- Part 1.
  2. Dailymotion - Dr. Terence CampbellParental AlienationSyndrome ... min - Aug 22, 2010
    Visit us at Dr. Terence Campbell -Parental Alienation Syndrome & Family Psychology- Part 3.
  3. Dr. Terence Campbell - Parental AlienationSyndrome & Family ... min - Apr 14, 2010 -Uploaded by PASAttorney
    Dr. Terence Campbell - Parental Alienation Syndrome & Family Psychology- Part 3 .... Dr. Lorandos cross exam on Rorschach problems w ...
  4. Books ... - Falsely Accused of Physical Abuse or Molestation? - Cached
    Books on Parental Alienation Syndrome and Other Topics... Benchbook in Behavioral Sciences - Demosthenes Lorandos and Terence WCampbell; Cross

  ROSALIND CARTWRIGHT, Ph.D.,  Rush  Presbyterian
St. Lukes Medical Center, Chicago, IL; 

Gardner PAS vs parental alienation doc free ebook download from ... - Cached
Jun 9, 2011 – Cartwright The Changing Face of Parental Alienation Syndrome.doc ... Not All Is Parental AlienationBy Robert A. Evans, PhD. There appears ... By RosalindSedacca, CCT Parental Alienation – when one or both divorcing ...

CartwrightPh.D. - Self-help at - Cached
Mediation and Parental Alienation Syndrome by Anita Vestal ... Rosalind CartwrightPhD. Graduate College ... ...

  1. topic:health - Cached
    Oct 3, 2010 – Is Parental Alienation a Mental Disorder? [Health] (Breaking News: CBS News) ..... by Rosalind D.CartwrightPhD ...
  2. [PDF] 

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    by AN WEBB - 1996 - Related articles
    The parental alienation syndrome and ... Rosalind CartwrightPh.D. Rush Presbyterian St Lukes Medical Center, Chicago, IL. Jean Chapman, Ph.D...

JEAN CHAPMAN, Ph.D., University
of Wisconsin, Madison, WI;

FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and ..... Chicago, IL; JEAN CHAPMAN,Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI...

FMSF-FAQ: Frequently-Asked Questions about False Memory (with ... - Cached
... Center, Chicago, IL; JEAN CHAPMAN, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; LOREN ... of California, Berke- ley, CA; RALPH SLOVENKO, J.D., Ph.D., Wayne State University Law ...... UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1994). ...

2011 July « Multiple Personalities Don't Exist - Cached
Jul 15, 2011 – JEAN CHAPMAN, Ph.D., University ofWisconsin, Madison, WI..... Psychiatrist and child abuse expert Ralph Underwager finds an additional .

Recovered memory therapy « Multiple Personalities Don't Exist - Cached
JEAN CHAPMAN, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI...... “Families were also referred by Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield, a husband and wife .
 LOREN CHAPMAN, Ph.D., University of Wiscon-
sin, Madison, WI; 


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by AN WEBB - 1996 - Related articles
The parental alienation syndrome and ... Jean Chapman, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WILoren Chapman, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI ...

FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 2 No. 11, December 7, 1993 - Cached
Dec 7, 1993 – WISCONSIN Attention Wisconsin....Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, WILoren Chapman, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI;...

  1. Ralph Underwager - standbythechildren
    Ralph Underwager. Richard Gardner(inventor of parental alienation) own words Warning Disturbing · Saskatchewan Exposed to pas theory ...
  2. Parental alienation is pro-pedophile theory: THE INFLUENCE OF ... - Cached
    Apr 26, 2011 – Nevertheless, as the Lutheran theologian Dr.Ralph Underwager argues, while it may be impossible ever to condone paedophilia, ...
  3. Parental alienation is pro-pedophile theory: LITANY FOR FATHERS ... - Cached
    Apr 26, 2011 – interpreted with a few other comments byRalph Underwager [please read note] .... Who inventedparental alienation syndrome or PAS, . ...
  4. IPT Journal - Volume 10 - Table of Contents - Cached
    Aug 3, 2011 – Reviewed by Ralph Underwager. TheParental Alienation Syndrome: A Guide for Mental Health and Legal Professionals (Second Edition) ...

FREDERICK C. CREWS, Ph.D., University of California,
Berkeley,  CA;

FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and ..... WI; FREDERICK CCREWS, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, CA...


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by AN WEBB - 1996 - Related articles
The parental alienation syndrome and .... Frederick C.Crews, Ph.D. University of California Berkeley, CA. Robyn M. Dawes, Ph.D. ...

Related Research : S.M.A.R.T.'s Ritual Abuse Pages - Cached
New York and London, C 1998 ( Page 370-381 .... Foundation Advisory Board members Richard Ofshe and Fredrick Crews.... Parental Alienation Syndrome · Leaving the Family System: An Honorable Choice .

False Allegations Resources - alt.mens-rights FAQ - New Zealand ... - Cached
... 510-881-4784. (4) Steve Koska, Greater Bay Area, 4025 Branson Dr., San Mateo, CA 94403, USA. ... Brenneis, C. Brooks (1996): Memory ... CrewsFrederick (1995): ... NH Supreme Court: Parental Alienation Inimical to Child's Best Interests ...

New Titles - Cached
Dec 14, 2010 – Adult children of parental alienationsyndrome : breaking the ties that bind / ..... Publisher: San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2007. ...... Author: Crews,Frederick C. Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1992. ...

  ROBYN M. DAWES,  Ph.D.,  Carnegie  Mellon  University,
Pittsburgh,  PA;

  1. Institute for Psychological Therapies - Ralph Underwager - Cached
    Aug 3, 2011 – Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO - (B.A. 1951; M.Div. ..... (Other participants were Hollida Wakefield, Robyn Dawes, Ebbe Ebbeson, and Hal Arkes.)... Bar Association meeting on the Parental AlienationSyndrome and child ...
  2. [DOC] 

    File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick View
    This rebuttal is a chapter of an article entitled “TheParental Alienation Syndrome .... A I mean, there could have been, but I'm saying I'm not – I can't speak to that...... of assessments in the behavioral sciences, please see:Robyn Dawes (1988). ...
  3. Issues In Child Abuse Accusations - Cached
    Robyn MDawes; A Canadian Perspective of Child Sexual Abuse Accusations in .... With Parents Who Induce aParental Alienation Syndrome in Their Children. ...
  4. Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a Scam: April 2010
    Apr 27, 2010 – See, e.g., the practitioner who endorses "parental alienation syndrome" ...... (Feb 1996); Robyn MDawes, House of Cards: Psychology and ...

  DAVID F. DINGES, Ph.D.,  University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA; HENRY C. ELLIS, Ph.D.,  University  of  New  Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM;

FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and ..... PA; DAVID FDINGES, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA;


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by AN WEBB - 1996 - Related articles
The parental alienation syndrome and the differentiation between fabricated and .... David FDinges, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, The Institute of ..

Medicine Cabinet - Search by Medicine Cabinet Brand, Compare ...
Is This a Phase? Child Development & Parent Strategies, Birth to 6 Years ..... Martin P. Szuba (Editor), David F.Dinges (Editor), Jacqueline D. Kloss (Editor) ..... Intimacy and Alienation : Memory, Trauma and Personal Being ..
  1. FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2007 Vol 16 No. 4 - Cached
    Her alienation may go on forever and she may never return. ... could get the whole picture she said, "I never see the guilty parent as they go nuts. .... Pittsburgh, PA;DAVID FDINGES, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ...
  2. FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 2 No. 11, December 7, 1993 - Cached
    Dec 7, 1993 – ... FMSF is that a few vocal members makealienating pronouncements. ... Memory of abuse by aparent $20000 Memory of abuse by a teacher $30000 ....Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA; David FDinges..

 FRED H. FRANKEL, MBChB, DPM, Harvard University Medi-
cal School,  Boston MA;  

FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and ..... University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM; FRED HFRANKEL, MBChB, DPM, .

  1. New Zealand Journal of Psychology - Cached
    Towards the Measurement of Postural Congruence in Social Interaction - Gabrielle M .... by Gabrielle Maxwell; Hypnosis: Trance as a Coping Machine (Fred H Frankel) By ... The Assembly-Line and Alienation: A Participant-Observer Study in the ... Behavioural Treatment of ParentalAssault on a Child - Donald A Sandford, ...
  2. FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
    Massachusetts Doctor Loses License The MassachusettsMedical Board repealed ..... Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and .....University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM; FRED H.FRANKEL, MBChB, DPM, ...

    Libraries at Hebrew Union College - Cached
    Feinberg, Abraham H. [1932]. ABUDARHAM ... AGINGPARENT—CARE--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS--JUDAISM Litwin... ALIENATION (SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY) Adler ....Frankel, Benjamin M. [1923] Kudan ... Reeves, Frederick H. [2005] Weis, J. .
GEORGE K. GANAWAY, M.D.,  Emory University of
Medicine,  Atlanta,  GA; 

Institute for Psychological Therapies - Ralph Underwager - Cached
Aug 3, 2011 – In S. J. Lynn, K. McConkey, & N. P. Spanos (Eds.), Truth in Memories. .... Workshop on children's versus parents' rights for the Minnesota .... (Other participants were Jeffrey Victor, Debbie Nathan, George Ganaway, and Hollida Wakefield ... Association meeting on the Parental Alienation Syndrome and child ...


NWP Spring 2002 PM
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by S Olarte - 2002 - Related articles
Leslie H. Gise, MD, Silvia Olarte, MD, Diane K. Shrier, MD, Ann-Louise Silver, MD, .... on the so-called “parental alienation ..... The Treatment of Men in Cases of Parental Alienation Syn- ... Presenter: George Ganaway, MD*(Atlanta, GA.) 


Adobe Acrobat - Innocence Legal Team
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Psychiatrist George Ganaway (991) has also discussed the emergence of ...... Ganaway, G. K. (1991) "Alternative Hypothesis Regarding Satanic Ritual Abuse ... Gardner, R. (1987a) The Parental Alienation Syndrome and Differentiation .\

Ritual Abuse Bibliography: Journal Articles (A-F) - Cached
Dec 4, 2008 – Prevention of alienation through family, school, and peers may minimize deviant .... Cozolino, Louis J. "Some questions come to mind: A response toGanaway... Curran, David K."Why troubled teenagers might turn to satanism. ... According to SLT, low parentaland educational attachment increase ...

Prevention of alienation through family, school, and peers may minimize deviant subculture .... According to SLT, lowparental and educational attachment increase ....GanawayGeorge K., "Some additional questions: A response to Shaffer ...
 MARTIN GARDNER,  Author,  Hendersonville, NC
ROCHEL GELMAN, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, CA; 
  1. [PDF] 

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    by SEI Live - Related articles
    children with certain genetic makeups are more “susceptible” to parental influence, while others appear not mal- .... Carey, John Flavell, Rochel Gelman, and Elizabeth Spelke as SRCD-affiliated ...... ing parental alienation, Dr. Warshak ...
  2. The Science of Waldorf Education - Cached
    Jul 1, 2007 – by Rochel Gelman, UCLA ... Gelman was an author on all of them. ... The point that I brought up was that it can be very alienating to keep ... and way ahead of his time, but the fact remains that when a parent asks "why? ...
  3. FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
    Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and ..... Atlanta, GA; MARTIN GARDNER, Author, Hendersonville, NC; ROCHEL GELMAN...
  4. [PDF] 

    Attention: This paper is copyright protected! Do not use, distribute or ...
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    by R CRIES - Cited by 177 - Related articles
    particular, provided by John Carey, Lee Ann Draud, John Fought, Rochel Gelman, Allen Grimshaw, Gail .....alienation, just as much as its audible counterpart. ......Indeed, when a parent plucks up a toddler and rapidly shifts it from one point to ...
  5. [PDF] 

    Teview of
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    by L Sitaram - 2004
    a general alienation from adult society and hostility towards the values. ..... exoression of parental warmth, more depression in mothers and greater reliance on ....Rochel Gelman, Robert Siegler and David Klahr have proposed cognitive ...

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Dec 16, 2009 – Martin R. Gardner, Adoption by Homosexuals in the Wake of. Lawrence v. ..... Should Be Overruled to Hold All North Carolina Parents-Gay ....Alienated Child: A Reformulation of Parental AlienationSyn- drome,“ 42 FAM. .

GLEITMAN, Ph.D.,  University of Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia, PA; 


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by AN WEBB - 1996 - Related articles
The parental alienation syndrome and the differentiation between fabricated and .... Henry GleitmanPh.D. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA ...

AWARD winners AWARD winners
Kevin R. Murphy, PhD; Anne Treisman, PhD; and Timothy D. Wilson, PhD. Awards for. Distinguished Scientific ......Solomon Asch. I also thank Henry Gleitman, Lila Gleit-.... domains: The family paradox and the role of parentalcon- gruence. ...... should use inclusive language so as to not alienate an

FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 2 No. 5, May 3, 1993 - Cached
May 3, 1993 – (12) Dead, missing or part-time parent(s).... Terence W. Campbell, Ph.D., April 20, 1993 | \ ..... The mother had become alienated from her husband when she was told that she must validate her daughter's memories...... CA; Henry GleitmanPh.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Lila Gleitman, ..

Page 40
Parental Alienation Syndrome in Court Referred Custody Cases ..... Goodness' Sake: The Buddhist Path of Kindness by Sylvia PhD Boorstein, ISBN 0345448103 ....Essays in Honor of Henry and Lila Gleitman by Barbara Landau, ISBN 0262122286 ...

further reading - University of Huddersfield Library Catalogue
Extending thought in young children : a parent-teacher partnership (1990) / Athey, Chris. ...... Alienation and freedom : the factory worker and his industry. ...... Key concepts in nursing (2008) / Mason-Whitehead, Elizabeth,PhD..... Liesbet Van; Psychology (5th edition, 1998) /GleitmanHenry
GLEITMAN, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA;

  1. [PDF] 

    Almanac, 07/11/72, Vol. 19, No. 01
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    Jul 11, 1972 – Dr. Lila R. Gleitman has been appointed to the William T. Carter Professorship ..... great sources of undergraduate student alienation is the im- ...
  2. How many books do you read a year ? | Le Salon Tout Court ... - Cached
    100+ posts - 32 authors - Last post: Feb 14
    Though let me tell you, as a parent you may eventually need to ... of vocabulary learning, by Jane Gillette, Henry GleitmanLila Gleitman, Anne ...

    Key Set PA Profiles Board - Professional Experience,Email,Phone ...
    Results 1 - 10 – Parental Alienation: Prevention is the key: Parental alienation is a set of strategies that ..... By : Lila R. Gleitman, Aravind K. Joshi ..

    1. Page 40
      Parental Alienation Syndrome in Court Referred Custody Cases ..... Language: Essays in Honor of Henry and Lila Gleitman by Barbara Landau, ISBN 0262122286 ...
    2. Jewish-American Literature /
      Henry Roth: Negative Initiation in Call it Sleep ..... morality and out of which grows the child's identification with theparent of the same sex. ... school - was the belief that humans had become alienated in the 'business' or 'machine' civilisation that large-scale industry had produced:..... [22] Henry Gleitman, Psychology, 3rd ed. ...
    3. FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
      Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and ..... PA; LILA GLEITMAN, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; ...
    4. FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 2 No. 5, May 3, 1993 - Cached
      May 3, 1993 – (12) Dead, missing or part-time parent(s)...... The mother had become alienated from her husband when she was told that she must ..... Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Lila Gleitman, Ph.D., University of .
GREEN, M.D., J.D., Charing Cross Hospital, London;
  1. Campaign: Ask DSM to Include Parental Alienation in Upcoming ...
    Jul 1, 2011 – We suggest you refer to “Parental Alienation Relational Problem” ..... Ph.D., J.D.RichardSauber, Ph.D., Bela Sood, M.D., and James S. Walker, ...
  2. Dr. Richard Gardner - PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME (PAS) - Cached
    Dr. Richard Gardner, M.D.. Born On April 28, 1931 ... Dr.Richard Gardner's son told the New York Times that his father committed suicide. Contrary to assertions made by.... The color of Parental Alienation Syndrome is green. PAS is a huge ...

    1. Taylor & Francis Online :: International Journal of Transgenderism ...
      Parental Alienation Syndrome and the Transsexual Parent · Richard Green MD and JD pages 9-13. Download full text. Full access. DOI:10.1300/ ...
    2. Parental Alienation Resources: January 2011
      Jan 7, 2011 – Ph.D.,J.D., L.P. Phone: 801-230-8328 .... Dr.Richard A Warshak ... Bruises, Barriers, and Blind Feminists: Denial of Parental Alienation Hurts us ..... to discern the realities of any specific case (Feinberg &Greene, 1995). ...... of Richard A. Gardner, M.D.American Journal of Family Therapy, 30(5), 395– 416. ...


      Het vervreemden van een transseksuele ouder

       - [ Translate this page ]
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      1 Tekst gebaseerd op 'Parental Alienation Syndrom and the Transsexual Parent'. Richard Green MDJD, in International Journal of Transgenderism, vol. 

      Lifetime Endorsers « Fathers & Families
      Robert Anthony Cornejo, J.D. ... Richard M. GreenMD..... Action Alert: Tell San Francisco Weekly That Parental Alienation Is Real, False Domestic Violence ...

      1. [PDF] 

        Deborah Coe Silver, Psy.D., ABPP, NCSP
        File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
        Parental Alienation in Custody Cases” Workshop presented to the ...... “The Development of Gender Orientation” Richard GreenM.D.J.D. ...
      2. FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 2 No. 5, May 3, 1993 - Cached
        May 3, 1993 – (12) Dead, missing or part-time parent(s)...... The mother had become alienated from her husband when she was told that she must ..... Richard Green,M.D.J.D., UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA; Ernest Hilgard, ...
      3. standbythechildren
        Aug 7, 2011 – Richard Gardner(inventor of parental alienation) own words Warning Disturbing ... RichardDucote, J.D. .... Richard A. Gardner, M.D., is the creator of the creator and main ... The color of Parental Alienation Syndrome is green...
M.D.,  Mount Sinai School of Medicine,  New York, NY; 

  1. Humanities Tennessee | 2011 Southern Festival of Books Authors
    4 days ago – Parental Alienation; Sarah Bird is the author of seven previous novels. ..... Carrie Underwood: A Biography; David Halperin was a teenage UFO ...
  2. Jewish Survivors of Sexual Violence Speak Out: 05/01/2007 - 06/01 ...
    May 1, 2007 – Sexual Abuse and Parental AlienationSyndrom in Israel ..... hymns and first-person accounts of Tzvi at prayer, compiled by David Halperin...
  3. David M. Halperin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cached
    David M. Halperin (born April 2, 1952) is an American theorist in the fields of gender studies, queer theory, critical theory, material culture and visual culture. ...
  4. [PDF] 

    Amy J.L. Baker, Ph.D.
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    Adult children of parental alienation syndrome: Breaking the ties that bind. New. York: W.W. .... Baker, A.J.L., Britt, D.W., Halpern, R. & Westheimer, M. (1996). Family-oriented .... WNIX 1330 AM in Greenville MS with DavidLush (June 25, 2008) ...
  5. Parental Alienation Syndrome and the Cult of Parenthood
    ... Hall, Sue Parker, HalperinDavidHalpern, Rick, Hamilton, Marci, Harary, Keith, Harris, .... Parental Alienation Syndrome and the Cult of Parenthood ...
  6. Information on Family Estrangement: Mental health issues, support ... - Cached
    "John Halpern, 76, a retired physicist living in Massachusetts, began to review his .... Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) refers to a type of alienation that may occur .... From "Whitewater witnessDavid Hale attempted to suborn ...
  7. Cults and Children: The Abuse of the Young - Cult Hotline and Clinic - Cached
    David A. Halperin, M.D., author of Religion, Sect, and Cult (Boston: John Wright, ... Nevertheless, parentalconcerns may frequently arise, particularly when a former..... Their paranoia about food poisons increased theiralienation from society. ...

    1. [PDF] 

      The gender paradigm in domestic violence research and practice ...
      File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
      by DG Dutton - 2009 - Cited by 5 - Related articles
      such as Parental Alienation Syndrome. In many of ...David Usher in reading a draft of this paper. ......neurological deficits (Corvo, Halpern, & Ferraro, 2006). ...
    2. [PDF] 

      Cultic Studies Journal - article liist
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      Deprogramming An Analysis of Parental Questionnaires. Michael D. ... David Halperin, M.D. .... ParentalResponses to Their Children's Cult Membership. ...
    3. Communicationhelper: February 2010
      Feb 26, 2010 – Preventing courts from consideringparental alienation will harm kids ...... but rather at CampDavid, the presidential retreat, a short 20-minute ... RuthHalperin-Kaddari, head of the Rackman Center, “The bill will ...
    4. Group processes in cult affiliation and recruitment
      by DA Halperin - 1982 - Cited by 9 - Related articles
      sense of religious or personal identity in an alienatedadolescent, to the pathologi- ... David A. Halperin, M.D., is Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Mt. ... a source of parental concern, permit it to be considered as paradigmatic for both ...
Ph.D. (deceased),  Stanford University,  Palo Alto, CA;

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    ““It is on the whole probably that we continually dream, but that ...
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    Ernest Hemmingway, American novelist and short-story writer, won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954, 1899-1961.... Ernest Hilgard explained that hypnosis causes us to divide up our consciousness .... Social and behavioral reasons (peer pressure, parent behavior) b. Alienationfrom the mainstream of society c. Desire ...
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    MAY/JUN 04 nsltr
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    Ernest Hilgard, Philip S. Holzman, Elizabeth Loftus, Paul. McHugh ...... ate” away fundamental parental rights under the ..... you feel alienated or lonely?” And on ...
  3. Smart People on Bad Days: Relationships
    ... by Stanford's Ernest Hilgard, and find the word 'love' missing entirely from the ..... It's why so many of us are simultaneously fascinated with and alienated by .... years together, open relationships that work, or happy single-parent households. ...
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    by D Benveniste - Cited by 1 - Related articles
    make imaginary connections to soothe their alienation...... Macfarlane, Josephine Hilgard, Ernest Hilgard, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Egon Brunswik, Edward ...
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    Reply to Commentators
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    by BJ Baars - Cited by 2 - Related articles
    spread sense of human alienation in the twentieth century. Skinner's own words ...... psychologists likeErnest Hilgard and John Kihlstrom. There is no question ...
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    Treating anxiety disorders by inducing altered states of - Blue Isis
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    by M Westerlund - Related articles
    Ernest Hilgard and Andrei Witzenhoffer created the Stanford scales in 1961, ... caught as we are between thealienation of existential separation and the promise of .....vividly described how she was driving furiously towards herparent's home. ...
  7. The Relationship of Personality Factors to Learning in College ...
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    above, (2) parental attitude toward col- lege success ...Ernest R. Hilgard (1965) has talked of teaching in ..."behaviorism" has alienated some audi- ences so ...
  8. Index - Salem Press
    Child custody, parental alienation syndrome and, 1083. Child development; family and, 637; ...... HilgardErnest, 418, 767. Hilgard, Josephine, 769, 1078 ...
M.D.,  UCLA Medical School, Los Angeles, CA; 
  1. John Hochman, MD - Expert Witness - Forensic Expert
    John Hochman MD, has been practicing psychiatry for nearly 40 years. He has ... "brainwashing", false memory syndrome and parental alienation syndrome. ...
  2. Parental Alienation Expert Witness - Expert Witnesses Parental ... - Cached
    Parental Alienation Expert Witness: Medical expert witnesses in Parental ...
  3. John Hochman, M.D. Psychiatric Expert Witness - Home - Cached
    John Hochman, M.D., is a Los Angeles psychiatrist providing expert testimony and ... Varieties of undue influence including "cults" and parental alienation...
  4. Expert Witnesses Cults
    John Hochman, MD - Forensic Psychiatrist provides services in medical-legal ... Varieties of undue influence including "cults" and parental alienation. Unusual ...
  5. Expert Witnesses Parental Alienation - Cached
    Directory of Parental Alienation Expert Witnesses, Legal Consultants ...
  6. Smoke and Mirrors: The JC Penney records - Cached
    Apr 7, 2011 – Dr John Hochman, who carried out psychological assessments on the family, found doubtful aspects to the .... Signs of Parental Alienation ...
    Parental Alienation Syndrome; Hostile-aggressive Parenting; Enmeshment .... Separating Siblings by G.Hochman, E. Feathers-Acuna, and A. Huston. .... About "PAS" -- Why Is It So Often Used Against Mothers? byJohn E. B. Myers SCHOLAR ...
  8. Parental Alienation Syndrome and the Cult of Parenthood
    ... Hilderbrant, Sharon, Hirata, Hiroshi, HochmanJohn, Hoeylaerts, Veronique, Holland, John .... Parental Alienation Syndrome and the Cult of Parenthood ...
  9. April « 2011 « Crisis In The Family Courts - Cached
    The above two statements from John Knight's "Talmud Survey" originally published at: .... Popularized "PAS"PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME, .... ADVICE; Separating Siblings by G. Hochman, E. Feathers-Acuna, and A. Huston. ...
  10. MenWeb Divorce-Related Malicious Mother Syndrome - Cached
    Today, half of all marriages will end in divorce (Beal andHochman, 1991). ... In the typical case of Parental Alienation Syndrome, both mother and child engage ...
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS; 

  1. Parental Control: Stopping Parental AlienationGuntersville AL ... › ... › Guntersville AL › Parenting & Step-Families - Cached
    2112 11TH AVE S, STE 340. BIRMINGHAM, AL. View More Info. Dr. DAVID MYERS ... David Holmes (256) 259-1774. Guntersville, AL. View More Info ... Stop parental alienation by separating fact from opinion when discussing your ex with the ...
  2. ATTACHMENT THEORY AND PARENTAL ... - Family Lore Focus - Cached
    Attachment Theory and Parental Alienation ....attachment figures if they happen to provide most of the child care (Holmes, 1993). ... According to David Levy (1935) in a very early study of adopted children, ... s lack of coherent coping strategy. ...
  3. Parental Alienation - Hatboro-Horsham, PA Patch
    His Hatboro hometown proclaimed a day in honor of something Daniel Holmes has been striving to cope with since his divorce: parental alienation...
  4. Divorce Source: Ohio Divorce Lawyers, Articles, Professionals and ... - Cached
    Parental Alienation · Premarital ... David A. Looney Co. LPA, Attorney at .... Parent/Child Psychological Evaluation : save your child from your divorce. Parenting ...

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    FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
    Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and ..... CA; DAVID SHOLMES, Ph.D., University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS; PHILIP S. ..
 PHILIP S. HOLZMAN, Ph.D., Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA; 

  1. FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
    Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and some ..... Ph.D., University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS; PHILIP SHOLZMANPh.D., ...
  2. FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 2 No. 5, May 3, 1993 - Cached
    May 3, 1993 – (12) Dead, missing or part-time parent(s).... Terence W. Campbell, Ph.D., April 20, 1993 | \ .... S/he has no idea what s/he is empathizing with! ..... The mother had become alienated from her husband when she was told that she ..... Ph.D., StanfordUniversity, Palo Alto, CA;Philip SHolzmanPh.D., Harvard

    1. FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 2 No. 11, December 7, 1993 - Cached
      Dec 7, 1993 – ... of the FMSF is that a few vocal members make alienating pronouncements. .... of abuse by aparent $20000 Memory of abuse by a teacher $30000 .....Ph.D., University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS; Philip S.HolzmanPh.D., ...
    2. FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2004 Vol 13 No. 3 - Cached
      ... Gleitman, Ernest Hilgard, Philip SHolzman, Elizabeth Loftus, Paul McHugh and Ulric Neisser ( .... FMSF Advisor David Dinges, Ph.D., will receive the "Decade of | | Behavior .....been forced to "negotiate" away fundamental parentalrights under the threat ..... "Do you feel alienated or lonely? ...

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      Two world-class acts come together:
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      S Society & The Arts • February 10, 008 • Society Photo .... TIFFANY STUDIOS: The Holtzman Collection · The Boca ...Visitation/Parental Alienation Actions. Restraining .....Presented by Virginia Phillip, Master Sommelier, The Breakers Palm Beach · raise Your .... the Ph.D
  3.  .
    Examining the impact of student-level and school-level variables on 
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) ... Margaret J. McLaughlin,Phillip J. Burke ..... 2002; Heller, Holtzman, & Messick, 1982; Losen & Orfield, 2002; MacMillan & Reschly, ...lowered teacher and parental expectations, alienationfrom peers, and the ...

ROBERT A.KARLIN, Ph.D., Rutgers University,
New Brunswick,  NJ;  

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HAROLD LIEF,  M.D.,   University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia,  PA; 

  1. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation -PARENTALALIENATIONINVENTOR
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    ... Father of a Retractor Saul Wasserman, M.D. FMSF Newsletters, Vol 6 No 8 ... Family: Issues and Problems: Notes from talks by Harold LiefMD and Janet ...... How could such an evil parent be loving and warm toward an accusing daughter? ... demand answers and give me ultimatums or threats of permanent alienation...
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    on the so-called “parental alienation syndrome”: a .....The Treatment of Men in Cases of Parental AlienationSyn- ... Chair: Harold I. LiefMD (Wayne, PA) ...
  4. Dr. Brian Kopp -- Till Death Do Us Part: The Deadly Consequences ...
    Dec 11, 2003 – Alienation from the father in early childhood because the father was ... Children need affection, praise and acceptance by each parent, by siblings and by peers. ... Dr. Charles Socarides, Dr. Harold Lief, Dr. Irving Bieber, and others) have ... Robert Spitzer,M.D., the renowned Columbia University psychiatric ...
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    Apr 25, 2000 – Or a child who witnessed the violent death of a parent may develop a ... in many family tragedies:alienation of children from their parents, loss of jobs, ...said Dr. Harold Lief, a psychiatrist from Philadelphia who was one of the ...
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    ... us to make contact with them, and in this way lessen their alienation..... For the creation of the standard sexual identity, the child must have a parent or ... Thus the factors enumerated by Harold Lief in quotation A, and whose ..... Homosexuality, Charles W. Socarides, M.D., New York - Jacob Aronson - London, 1978, pp. ...
  8. 'Recovered' memories often false, with damaging results
    Apr 30, 2000 – Or a child who witnessed the violent death of a parent may develop a variety ... in many family tragedies: alienation of children from their parents, loss of... are real and what percent are pseudomemories," said Dr.Harold Lief...
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    Harold LiefM.D., is emeritus professor of psychiatry at the University of ...... International Conference on Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS): A ...
  10. Homosexuality and Hope
    Alienation from the father in early childhood, because the father was perceived ... Children need affection, praise and acceptance by each parent, by siblings and by peers. ...Dr. Lionel Ovesey, Dr. Charles Socarides, Dr. Harold Lief, Dr. Irving Bieber, and ... Robert Spitzer, M.D., the renowned Columbia University psychiatric ...

 ELIZABETH LOFTUS, Ph.D., University of Washington,
Seatle, WA;  

  1. Table of content - Cached
    Talan, Jamie, Richard Gardner and Parental AlienationSyndrome, The debate rages on. .... PhD thesis presented to the University of New South Wales, 1991. ... is a constant for memory researcher Elizabeth Loftus, newly installed at UCI. ...
    You've visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 9/4/11
  2. Therapeutic Jurisprudence Contents Page: Child Custody Evaluators - Cached
    D. * Bruce D. Foreman, Ph.D. * Alexander Gimon, Ph.D. * Darby L. Godwin, Ph.D. * Paul John ....[ ... child custody evaluations and therapeutic jurisprudence:Elizabeth Loftus and memory research ...
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  4. parental alienation syndrome « Eassurvey's Weblog - Cached
    Parental Alienation Syndrome: Another Alarming DSM-5 Proposal .... Repression Wortman ...
  5. Quotes: Elizabeth LoftusPh.D. « Eassurvey's Weblog
    Posted December 11, 2008 by eassurvey in parental alienation syndrome, ... Deposition upon oral examination of Elizabeth LoftusPh.D. Carol C. Smith, vs. ...
  6. Parental Alienation Syndrome : S.M.A.R.T.'s Ritual Abuse Pages
    The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental AlienationSyndrome: Science, Law, ..... Basis for the Theory of Recovered Memory · Quotes: Elizabeth LoftusPh.D...
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 7/28/11
  7. Links to the Some Experts in False Allegation Cases - Cached
    Edward Shwery, Ph.D... Her expertise in parental alienation is invaluable not only to her clients going through custody disputes, but ... Elizabeth F. Loftus,Ph.D...
  8. Family Court Crisis-Abusers Getting Custody!:PARENTAL ALIENATION ... - Cached
    Aug 8, 2010 – Richard Austin, Ph.D. * R. Christopher Barden, Ph.D. * Stephen Ceci, ... Harvey Shapiro (Elizabeth Loftus's "investigator") * Jose Manuel ...
  9. Comments on: - Cached
    Dec 29, 2009 – Richard Austin, Ph.D. * R. Christopher Barden, Ph.D. * Stephen Ceci, ... McGhee * Harvey Shapiro (Elizabeth Loftus's "investigator") * Jose Manuel... of the iceberg of a much larger problem known asparental alienation...
  10. PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME- Court Whore's and The Family Court ...
    Aug 8, 2010 – PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME (PAS) and other bullshit syndromes CUSTODY ... Harvey Shapiro (Elizabeth Loftus's "investigator") * Jose Manuel Aguilar ... Right Direction or a Step too Far? by David B. Resnik, J.D., Ph.D...

SUSAN L. McELROY, M.D., University of Cincinnati, Cincin-
nati, OH; 

2011 APA Syllabus Book
Apr 13, 2011 – ... Reno, NV SUSAN LMCELROY, M.D., Mason, OH PATRICIA I. ORDORICA, M.D., Tampa, .....Oquendo M, Brent DA, Birmaher B, Greenhill L, Kolko D, Stanley B, ..... M.D.Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, ...... These included advocates for inclusion of Parent Alienation Syndrome ...

FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and ..... Ph.D., University of Washington, Sea- tle, WA; SUSAN LMcELROYM.D.

 PAUL McHUGH, M.D., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD;

  1. stopchildabuse: December 2008
    Dec 21, 2008 – The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Science, Law, ..... Morrison threatens to sue witness - Expert witness Paul McHugh,.... A Ph.D. from Harvard, and a Master's Degree in Early Childhood. ...
  2. False Memory2 - Cached
    As Psychiatrist Paul McHugh states, it is "built out of a personality of mental ..... Ph.D., describing how to install false memories, and Paul McHugh, M.D., John Hopkins..... was considered to be the cause of all our problems; it was parental neglect. ... and total alienation that is supposed to heal the damaged childhood sexual ...
  3. R - Cached
    Paul Kurtz, Ph.D., Publisher, Philosophy, Emeritus, State University of New York at ..... Paul R. McHugh (Chair, Johns Hopkins Medical School Psychiatry Dept. .....International Conference on Parental AlienationSyndrome (PAS): A ...
  4. Teri M McHugh, LMFT MA PHD.AlienatingBiological Parent
    Teri M McHugh, LMFT MA PHD.Alienating Biological Parent ... The Parent / Care Giver who perpetratedparental alienation utilized techniques similar to those ...
  5. Attachment-based Therapy Children
    Teri M McHugh, LMFT MA MFC MFCC MFTPHD.techniques similar to those employed ... Parental Alienation Strategies Disrupt the Attachment Between Child and Targeted .... US District Court portrayed by Ted Heyck THE PLAINTIFFS Paul Katami ...
  6. recovered memory « Eassurvey's Weblog
    Information on Paul McHugh Bishops Select Lay Board On Sexual Abuse Review By Laurie ... Posted by eassurvey inparental alienation syndrome, recovered memory. ...
  7. FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 2 No. 11, December 7, 1993 - Cached
    Dec 7, 1993 – We are proud to report that Dr. Paul McHugh's article Psychiatric ... ADVISORY BOARD December 1, 1993 Terence W. Campbell, Ph.D., ...

HAROLD MERSKEY, D.M.,  University of Western Ontario,  London, Canada;

  1. False Allegations Resources - alt.mens-rights FAQ - New Zealand ... - Cached
    NH Supreme Court: Parental Alienation Inimical to Child's Best Interests April 4th .... MerskeyHarold (1996): ....The Spectrum of Parental Alienation Syndrome. ...
  2. stopchildabuse: Media Manipulation of the False Memory Syndrome ... - Cached
    Sep 11, 2008 – She described how a foundation scientific adviser, Harold Merskey, had testified that a .... Parental Alienation Syndrome is NOT recognized as . ...
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    Harold MerskeyD.M., Psychiatry, Emeritus, University of Western Ontario, Canada ...... International Conference onParental Alienation Syndrome (PAS): A ...
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    I know of a parent who, when his children cut off contact with him, ... Psychiatrist Harold Merskey has defined hypnosis as "a maneuver in which the subject and .....Accusing Daughter Returns but Brothers Still Alienated I have been a ..... MD; HAROLD MERSKEYD.M., University of Western Ontario, London, Canada; ...
  5. Related Research : S.M.A.R.T.'s Ritual Abuse Pages - Cached
    She described how a foundation scientific adviser, Harold Merskey, had .... Parental Alienation Syndrome · Leaving the Family System: An Honorable Choice ...
  6. Rassegna bibliografica su abusi violenze e devianza minorile
    ARE CHILDREN EXPOSED TO INTERPARENTAL VIOLENCE BEING ..... La PAS (Sindrome di Alienazione Parentale) e i suoi effetti sui figli - Parental Alienation .....Stella Blackshaw, Praful Chendarana, Yvon Garneau,Harold Merskey, Rebeka ..... Published In: Firestone, P., Bradford, J.M., Greenberg, D.M., & Larose, M.R. ...
  7. Family Justice & Child Protection Dramatis Personae - Surnames N-Q - United Kingdom - Cached
    ... focused on the current obsession with PAS ('parental alienation syndrome', ...... In his paper, co-written withHarold Mersky (DM) The Persistence of Folly: A ...
  8. IFNEWS : Message: [Fwd: alt.mens-rights Frequently Asked Questions ...
    Jan 1, 2001 – MerskeyHarold (1996): Ethical Issues in the Search for Repressed Memories, ... The Spectrum ofParental Alienation Syndrome. American ..... Gonzalez,D. M. (1997). Why females initiate violence: A study examining the ...

SPENCER HARRIS MORFIT,  Author,  Westford,  MA; 

  1. The FMSF Advisory Board - Profiles - Cached
    Spencer Harris Morfit ...... Dr. Victor aimed his pre-1988 research at such issues as human sexuality and parent-child relations in Jewish and Italian families. ...
  2. Liars and True Believers - Cached
    Oct 9, 1998 – Spencer Harris Morfit is a professional journalist and ...
  3. Clinical Practice Challenge - Cached
    Spencer Harris Morfit Westford, MA ..... That cut-off from the family of ...
  4. FMS Foundation Newsletter, 99 Vol 8 No. 8 - Cached
    Spencer Harris Morfit is an author and business woman...... about C, the ...
  5. Spencer Morfit | LinkedIn
    Greater Boston Area - Owner, Good As Your Word and Public Relations and Communications Consultant
    View Spencer Morfit's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, ... Groups and Associations: SPencer Harris Morfit ...
Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.; 

  1. LISTS OF KNOWN AND SUSPECTED CARCINOGENS doc free ebook download ... - Cached
    ... AND SUSPECTED PARENTAL ALIENATIONSYNDROME by Jeffrey C. Siegel, PhD. and ...Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns Ulric Neisser Chair Gwyneth Boodoo ...
  2. Pattern perception - Family Relationships / Parenting ...
    Results 1 - 12 of 55 – ... by Marylene Cloitre Phd, Lisa R Cohen and Karestan C. Koenen Phd (Paperback ...Sources of Self Knowledge by Ulric Neisser (Hardcover - May 27 1994) ... Adult Children Of Parental AlienationSyndrome by Amy Baker ...
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    NWP Fall 03
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    The parental alienation syndrome. (PAS) is a disorder that arises pri- ..... Research by Ulric NeisserPhD, raised serious questions about the belief in ...
  4. American Psychological Association Videos - Mitra Psychology ... - Cached
    ?Parental Alienation Syndrome:” Another Alarming DSM-5 Proposal Using a ... Existence of Parental Alienation Is Now Beyond Debate by Dr. Richard A. Warshak ...
  5. The School Achievement Of Minority Children: New Perspectives ...
    by U NEISSER - Cited by 80 - Related articles
    ... Perspectives. Book by Ulric Neisser; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1986 ... He received his Ph.D. at Cornell Univer- .... parent lack of alternative explanations. .....sonnel and the children in their programs may have reduced that alienation a ...
  6. Psychological Testing: Intelligence Quotient - Psychological Testing ... - Cached
    Nov 10, 2010 – An Interview with Paul Ekman, Ph.D. on Emotional ExpressionAn Interview with Lorna Smith Benjamin, ... such factors as morbidity and mortality,parental social status, and, to a substantial degree,parental IQ. ..... Children with poor scholastic performance may feel alienated..... NeisserUlric, ed (1998). ...
 RICHARD OFSHE, Ph.D., University of
California, Berkeley, CA; 

view by: reviews
... Book Review: Adult Children of Parental AlienationSyndrome: Breaking ..... Reviewed by Richard Ofshe,Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley .... Richard Ofshe,Ph.D., is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, ...

  1. The Cult of Parenthood: A Qualitative Study ofParental Alienation ... - Cached
    by S Shop - Related articles
    Dec 23, 2004 – Forty adults who were alienated from aparent as a child participated in a ... Richard Ofshe,Ph.D. and Margaret T. Singer, Ph.D. Rick Fearon ...
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    MAR/APR '03 nsltr
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    Richard McNally, Ph.D., asks a question that surely per- plexes us all: ...... or to treat her properly; in alienatingMs. Tyo from her fam- ily, her husband, and .... be an acceptable parent for the three ..... Richard OfshePh.D., was brought into the ...
  3. alt.mens-rights Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Part 6/6
    Feb 4, 2011 – PhD. U. of Southern California. Mendelson, Robert (1997? .... Parental Alienation Parental Alienation - articles .....OfsheRichard and Watters, Ethan (1994): Making Monsters: False Memory, ...
  4. Parental Alienation Disorder: January 2010
    Jan 27, 2010 – F. Lowenstein Ph.D Southern England Psychological Services ..... In Dr. Richard Gardner's second edit of parental alienation syndrome, ...... [3] Although Ofshe (1992) argues that the beliefs adopted may be situationally ...
  5. Newer Entries - Eassurvey's Weblog
    Parental Alienation Syndrome is NOT recognized as a valid medical syndrome ..... The Council has approved our interim chair, Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D. We ..... The Facade of Scientific Documentation: A Case Study of Richard Ofshe's ...

EMILY CAROTA ORNE, B.A., University of Penn-
sylvania, Philadelphia, PA; 

FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and ..... CA; EMILY CAROTA ORNEB.A., University of Pennsylvan- ia, Philadelphia, ..
  1. PDF] 

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    by AN WEBB - 1996 - Related articles
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 MARTIN ORNE,  M.D., Ph.D.,  University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; 

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    Martin OrneMDPhD. Swidler & Berlin and James Hamilton v. .... Parental alienation syndrome (abbreviated as PAS) is term coined by Richard A. Gardner in ...
  2. False Memory2 - Cached
    The "Internal Corroboration" cited by Charles Whitfield, M.D. to be "evidence of .... "The Validity of Memories Retrieved in Hypnosis" by Martin T. OrneM.D.Ph.D., ....that was considered to be the cause of all our problems; it was parental neglect. ... and total alienation that is supposed to heal the damaged childhood sexual ...
  3. Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Presentation : S.M.A.R.T.'s Ritual Abuse ... - Cached
    “Richard A. Gardner, M.D., is a prominent forensic expert with an extensive career of ... Claims of Parental Alienation Syndrome Confuse Abuse Investigations ....The article mentions West, Orne, Singer, MK-Ultra, the Freyds, Underwager and ... One of the authors of the study, Robert Bauseman, PhD. (a psychology ...
  4. Ritual Abuse website - mk-ultra mind control
    "None of us knew the kind of drugs they gave us, or the aftereffects they'd ... Warfare Laboratories at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland..... Their harrowing accounts are supported by the fact-finding, breakthrough research of Dale Griffis, PhD..... The second time I heard Dr. Martin Orne, who was the “director of the ...
  5. [PDF] 

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    by AN WEBB - 1996 - Related articles
    The parental alienation syndrome and .... Martin Orne,M.D.Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania,. The Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital,. Philadelphia, PA
 LOREN PANKRATZ, Ph.D.,  Oregon Health
Sciences University, Portland, OR;
  1. [PDF]
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    Ph.D., wrote From Madness to Mutiny. ..... Neustein,Ph.D., in The Village Voice (co-authored with Adam Fifield) and The New .... Loren PankratzPh.D...... of “coaching” or “parental alienation” against a mother is enough to trigger a change ...
  2. Alex Constantine's Blacklist: CIA MIND CONTROL: Loren Pankratz ... - Cached
    Jan 18, 2008 – Loren PankratzPh.D. is a Consultation Psychologist and Clinical Professor ... Loren Pankratz,PhD was a Consultation Psychologist at the ...
  3. R - Cached
    Loren PankratzPh.D., Oregon Health Sciences University ..... International Conference on Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS): A Challenge for Professionals...
  4. Munchausen Syndrome ... - Eric G. Mart, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist - Cached
    Eric G. Mart, Ph.D., ABPP, is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Manchester, ... Loren PankratzPh.D., Consultation Psychologist & Clinical Professor ...
  5. A review of the Munchausen syndrome - Elsevier
    Jun 19, 2002 – Requests for reprints should be sent toLoren PankratzPh.D., .... medical advice) 42 Prison record 9 Early parental disruption 18 Relationship to .....Even patients alienated from their family are cooperative with such efforts. ...
  6. Suffer the Children - Cached
    Parent advocate found in contempt ... By HowardPankratz, Denver Post Staff Writer .... This is abuse byparental alienation.... earned a Ph.D. and license in marriage and family therapy, which she puts to work at the..... Judicial Voice for Children program is broader, said Judge Loren Tucker, who helped found the program. ...
    May 9, 2002 – Kimberly D. Baker, Williams, Kastner, Biggs, Howard M. Goodfriend, Edwards, Sieh ... alienationof affection, negligent investigation, medical malpractice, and violation .... struck portions of their expert's (Dr. Loren Pankratz) declaration. ... Eric G. Mart, Ph.D., Problems with the Diagnosis of Factitious Disorder ...
 CAMPBELL PERRY,  Ph.D.,  Concordia
University, Montreal, Canada; 

  1. Speaker ... - Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome - Cached
    Jayne A. Major, Ph.D. is the founder of Stop Parental Alienation of Children and ... Dr. Campbell was a co-founder of the Psychodiagnostic and Family Services ...
  2. Canadian Symposium for Parental AlienationSyndrome - Cached
    Update regarding Parental Alienation and DSM-5 Dr. Bernet and his ...
  3. [PDF] 

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    May 31, 2011 – Burrill, Janelle, Ph.D., J.D., LCSW* ...Parental Alienation, Substance ... .... Perry, Marilyn L.,Ph.D.* ...
  4. [PDF] 

    Applied Research Papers
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    Abuse and Women with Disabilities by Margaret Nosek,Ph.D., and Carol Howland, ... Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Programs by Rebecca Campbell (November 2004)... Campaign Design by Sharyn J. Potter with contributions from Brad Perry ... Parental Alienation Syndrome &Parental Alienation: Research Reviews by ...

    1. Diagnostic Criteria for Clinical ... - PsychoEducational Resources, Inc.
      Jun 17, 2011 – Why Doesn't Parental Alienation Occur More Frequently, Terrence CampbellPh.D., ABPP;Parental Alienation in Canada - Trends Analysis, ...
    2. Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Presentation : S.M.A.R.T.'s Ritual Abuse ... - Cached
      Claims of Parental Alienation Syndrome Confuse Abuse Investigations .... In the forward of the book by Campbell PerryPh.D., scientific board member of FMSF, ...
    3. Curriculum Vitae - Terence W. CampbellPhD. - Cached
      1970 Ph.D. University of Maryland, Human Development and Clinical Psychology. Dissertation Title: ... 2000-2001 National Parental Alienation Foundation. Editorial .....Kentucky: Logan County, Madison County, Perry County, Pulaski County. ...
    4. Demosthenes Lorandos Parental Alienation Syndrome Part 8 - Video min - Aug 23, 2010
      PASattorney.comD. Lorandos, Ph.D., J.D. - Is Parental AlienationSyndrome - Scientific? ... Dr. Terence CampbellParental Alienation ...
 MICHAEL A. PERSINGER, Ph.D., Laurentian
University, Sudbury, Canada;

  1. FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2001 Vol 10 No. 6 - Cached
    Our son reports that he knows about parental alienation, false memories and some ..... Montreal, Canada; MICHAEL A. PERSINGERPh.D., Laurentian University, ...
  2. quantitative psychological research - WN.COM advanced search - Cached
    Results 1 - 42 – D. Lorandos, Ph.D., JD - Is Parental Alienation Syndrome - Scientific? .... been generated in laboratory settings by Dr. MA Persinger (inventor of ...2010 ABSTRACT Presented by Michael Goard, PhD, and Emily Jacobs, PhD...
  3. [PDF] 

    C:\Documents and Settings\MikeKropveld\My Documents\Site Web ...
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties that Bind ..... [Avis definitif suite a la demanded'avis de Ph. Gadisseux, President ...... Persinger,Michael A., Normand J. Carrey and Lynn A. Suess. TM and cult mania ...

    1. [PDF] 

      File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
      by AN WEBB - 1996 - Related articles
      The parental alienation syndrome and .... Michael A . PersingerPh.D. Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada. August T. Piper, Jr., M.D.. Seattle, WA ...
    2. References
      Aug 25, 2011 – Defiant Children: A Clinician's Manual for Assessment and Parent Training. .... Chatoor, I., Hirsch, R., Ganiban, J., Persinger, M., & Hamburger, .... Fauman,Michael A. (1994). ... Fink, Per, M.D., Ph.D., D.M.Sc., et al. ... Does DSM-IV Have Equivalents for the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Diagnosis? ...
    3. Wholistic Healing Research » Spirituality in Psychotherapy
      ... Parental Alienation Synd · Painful Procrastinations · Transform Neg Beliefs ...... Harroll, David, Spiritual Parenting: A Loving Guide for the New Age Parent, ...William/ Neitzshe, Friederich/ d'Aquili, Eugene G/PersingerMichael/ Carol Albright. .... Spirituality and Personality, Unpublished dissertation for Ph.D. in Spirituality ...
    4. Spring 1992 - Meditation Information Network - Cached
      The evening would do nothing for her voting intentions, she explained--she'd already ... who had participated in the development of the study, Dr. Michael Dillbeck. .....Alienated from their past, pessimistic towards the present and future, lacking ..... TM and Cult Mania, by M.A.PersingerPh.D. An in-depth investigation into ...
    5. FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 2 No. 11, December 7, 1993 - Cached
      Dec 7, 1993 – ... of the FMSF is that a few vocal members make alienating pronouncements. .... of abuse by aparent $20000 Memory of abuse by a teacher $30000 .....Canada; Michael A. PersingerPh.D., Laurentian University, Ontario, ...
 AUGUST T. PIPER, Jr., M.D.,  Seattle, WA;
HARRISON POPE, Jr.,  M.D., Harvard Medical School,  Boston, MA;  

  1. Table of content - Cached
    Associated Press, Ruling won't damage sex offender law; 9 November 2006 ..... Talan, Jamie, Richard Gardner andParental Alienation Syndrome, The debate .... in cases sparks sentencing debate; The Capital, Annapolis, Md., April 22, 2007 ..... PiperAugust; Lillevik, Linda; Kritzer, Roxanne - What's wrong with believing in ...
    You've visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 9/4/11
  2. 'Parental Alienation Syndrome' -- Judge Isn'tBuying it - San ...
    Mar 24, 2011 – Jamison is right, the Judge(s) aren't"buying" parental alienation -- they are SELLING it. ...There's a CFCC in Baltimore, MD too -- and surprise, surprise, these people ..... Now please consider: Who pays the piper calls the tune. ..... and the Lyons by Charles L. "Dusty" " Phalen Jr., also of Charleston, and a ...
  3. August PiperMD -- Psychiatric Care - Cached
    Welcome to the web site of August PiperMD. I appreciate your interest in my practice. I have practiced medicine since 1969, when I graduated from Howard ...
  4. alt.mens-rights Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Part 6/6
    Feb 4, 2011 – COM> ....Parental Alienation Parental Alienation ..... North and South Magazine, August 1997. Melchert, T. & Parker ... PiperJr., August (1997): Hoax and Reality: The Bizarre World of Multiple Personality Disorder. ...
  5. [DOC] 

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    There aren't enough words to express what an exemplary human being/women you are .... in a televised debate on Channel 8 on Parental Alienation Syndrome. ...
  6. Evaluate, Coordinate, call “Alienator!” Pt. 4– Three AFCC Ph.D.'s on ... - Cached
    Jun 15, 2011 – NH Supreme Court: Parental AlienationInimical to Child's Best Interests .... I don't know how much more could possibly be done to promote the .... His most recent book with Richard Gardner, M.D. and Demosthenes..... Referring to a psychological report on Todd that was prepared in August 2007 by Dr. ...
  7. mommy go bye bye - Cached
    Oct 22, 2010 – Now abuser Deel of Belmont Country Club won't share our Brigitte; ..... (“Crisis in Family Court” was repeated recently on August 14 and August ... Dr. Phil is looking for victims of “parental alienation” for an ...... and Elwood E. Sanders Jr., an attorney with Lantagne Legal Printing in Richmond. ...

    1. FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 7 No. 8, April 1998 - Cached
      Jul 15, 2000 – She did this at a time when Parent Aide Programs sprang up across the country. ... 47) She acknowledges that: "[t]hings were going from bad to worse..... August Piper Jr., M.D. Travel is the most private of pleasures. .... included: hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, depression, alienation of family and friends, ...
    2. New Column: No Child Custody for Husband-Killer Mary Winkler
      Sep 18, 2007 – "The monster that you have painted for the world to see, I don't think that ... Ned Holstein, M.D., Executive Director of Fathers & Families, has ..... August31, 2005 ..... Bermuda Proclaims April 25th as Parental Alienation Awareness Day .... In the Gary Smith Jr. case discussed below, Smith's ex-wife left their ...
    3. Hoax & Reality (9781568218540):August Piper: Books › ... › Mental Health › Personality Disorders - Cached Hoax & Reality (9781568218540): August Piper: Books. ... it when I didn't believe it existed (except as August PiperJr., says, very rarely). ... How wonderful to find someone who has the authority (Piper is an M.D.) to back up what ...
    4. May 2010 Newsletter - The Surviving Spirit
      August 2010. ... Perhaps if the stigma and discrimination weren't so prevalent around ... 4] Not only is my friend Deb Damone involved with the PIPER [People ... in the Family” by William R. Beardslee, M.D., Boston Children's Hospital... To learn more, please visit: Parental AlienationAwareness Organization ...
RANDI,  Author and Magician,  Plantation, FL; 
Ph.D.,  Washington  University,  St. Louis, MO;

More | Elearning Blog | Master Canal - Cached
Katherine Frye posted Lesson 5 – Parental Alienation in Child Custody: Start .... said Henry LRoediger III, a psychologist at Washington University in St. ...

  1. Finding Measures & Scales
    Jul 10, 2010 – A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ....; Srinivas, K., & Roediger, H. L. (1990). ..... Child-parentrelationships .... The MPQ Alienation Sub-Scale - Differential convergence of ..... Mislav Grgic, Ph.D. and Kresmir Delac, Ph.D., maintain a large list of ...
  2. [PDF] 

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    Ruth Grobstein, M.D., Ph.D., The Breast Cancer Book: What You Need to ...... based self-esteem, cheating,alienation from her parents, and premarital ...... Cantwell, D. P., and L. Baker. 1991. Psychiatric and Developmental Disorders ...... and H. L. Roediger III. New York: Psychology Press. Pp. 334 –347. ...
  3. False memory syndrome « Multiple Personalities Don't Exist - Cached
    It is completed and represented by literary agent, Donald B. Gibson, PhD ..... failure to …consult with the plaintiff'sparent, by any formal exploration .... lives of the now-adult children that resulted in such terrible alienation..... of Remembering: Essays in Honor of Henry LRoedigerIIIEdited by James S. ...
  4. [PDF] 

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    by C MOATS-GALLAGHER - 2010 - Related articles
    Submitted to the Ph.D. in Leadership & Change Program...... this current age revolves around patterns of alienationand exclusion, ...... Cainkar, L. (2008). Thinking outside the box: Arabs and race in the United States. ..... Roediger, D. (2002). Whiteness and ethnicity in the history of “White ethnics” in the ...
  5. [PDF] 

    JAN/FEB 05 nsltr
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    I know of a parent who, when his children cut off contact with him, con- cluded that maybe he really had done ......Brothers Still Alienated. I have been a member of FMSF since 1992. ..... James Randi, Author and Magician, Plantation, FL; Henry LRoedigerIIIPh.D. ,Washington University, St. Louis, MO; Carolyn ...
Loyola University, Chicago, IL; 

FMSF-FAQ: Frequently-Asked Questions about False Memory (with ... - Cached
... FL; HENRY L. ROEDIGER, III, Ph.D., Washington University, St. Louis, MO; CAROLYN SAARIPh.D., Loyola ... What had happened to cause such alienation?...


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by AN WEBB - 1996 - Related articles
How they got Ph.d.'s. is a disgrace. The whole ...... Theparental alienation syndrome and .... Carolyn Saari,Ph.D. Loyola University, Chicago, IL ..

Index - Salem Press
Child custody, parental alienation syndrome and, 1083. Child development; family and, 637; ...... Joan Roe, M.D. & Peter Poe, Ph.D., 1805. Janet, Pierre, 808, 1270 ......Saari, Lise, 1685. Sabsin, Melvin, 113. Sackheim, Harold, 774 .... Sherif, Carolyn, 1176, 1287. Sherif, Muzafer, 429, 843, 846, 1176, 1287, 1486 ...


The Institute for Clinical Social Work CONTESTED STORIES: SELF ...
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by WD GIESEKE - 2006 - Related articles
totally sucked up to Caroline [her sister], trying to get to my dad. And then ...... Gieseke, M.S. at (847) 446-0240 or Thayer Lindner, Ph.D., the dissertation Chair, at .....Parental alienation syndrome and the differentiation between the ..... Saari, C. (1991). The creation of meaning in clinical social work. ...
 THEODORE SARBIN, Ph.D., University of
California, Santa Cruz, CA; 


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by AN WEBB - 1996 - Related articles
The parental alienation syndrome and .... Theodore SarbinPh.D. University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. Thomas Sebeok, Ph.D...

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    It's Rotten Research-ers - Judith A. Reisman,PhD
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    by M Balfour - Related articles
    The author, Theodore Sarbin cites as his human sexuality authorities ..... CCRS ignores Parental Alienation Syndrome [PAS] Backlash Against. Reporting Child ...
  2. The Typology of the Female as a Model for the Regenerate: Puritan ...
    by MW Masson - 1976 - Cited by 41 - Related articles
    neral Sermons and Changing Attitudes toward Woman, 1672-1792" (Ph.D. diss., Univer- ..... -the relationship between child and parent, servant and master, or ...through personal choice or effort (Theodore R. Sarbin and Vernon L. Allen, "Role .... confirmation of patriarchal power did not alienate women from the New ...
    1. [PDF] 

      The relationship of attachment and shame to anorexia: A case study ...
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      by GJ Evans - 2001 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
      Assignment of anorectics and normal eaters to parentalbonding quadrants . ... Summary shame, alienation, and Dying to Be Thin scores for anorectics and ...... refined through the pilot study, it was evaluated by a Ph.D. and an M.S. ...... In Theodore R. Sarbin & John I. Kitsuse (Eds.), Constructing the social (pp. ...
    2. Index - Salem Press
      Child custody, parental alienation syndrome and, 1083...... Joan Roe, M.D. & Peter Poe, Ph.D., 1805. Janet, Pierre, 808, 1270. Janis, Irving, 700, 1552. Janowsky, David, 55 .... Lidz, Theodore, 1370. Lie detection, 582; emotional expression and, 579 ...... Sarbin, T. R., 768. Sartre, Jean-Paul, 415, 611, 757 ...
      by I Schneier - 1961
      alienation peculiar to the twentieth century. ... parentconfidence with which he gen- eralizes .... Muensterberger,Ph.D., and Sidney ..... Theodore R. Sarbin, Ron- ...
    4. FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 2 No. 11, December 7, 1993 - Cached
      Dec 7, 1993 – Stars Melissa Gilbert, Ted Shackelford and Christopher Stone. ..... of the FMSF is that a few vocal members make alienating pronouncements. .... of abuse by a parent $20000 Memory of abuse by a teacher $30000 Memory of ..... Carolyn Saari, Ph.D., Loyola University, Chicago, IL; Theodore SarbinPh.D., ...

THOMAS A.SEBEOK, Ph.D. (deceased), Indiana
University, Bloomington,  IN;  

M.R.C,  D.O.M., Center for Psychosocial & Traumatic Stress,  Pretoria,
South Africa;

FMS Foundation Newsletter, 2000 Vol 9 No. 4 - Cached
Jul 15, 2000 – Some time after our daughters' alienation, our late son tried to bring ..... IN; MICHAEL A. SIMPSON,M.R.C.S.L.R.C.P.M.R.CD.O.M..

  1. repressed memories « Multiple PersonalitiesDon't Exist
    MICHAEL A. SIMPSONM.R.C.S.L.R.C.P.M.R.C,D.O.M., Center for ...... and in the lives of the now-adult children that resulted in such terrible alienation..... of an FMSF Parent Oregon Man Sues Therapist for $1 Million Skotko v. ...
  2. Full text of "The Pedigree register"
    She Stephen SIMPSON of Preston,: afterwards Lanes., formerly of Greta mar Bridge. ...... Will of Michael LODGE of Cockfield; executrix M A R.i 9 o8] THE PEDIGREE REGISTER 87 ...... RECORDS OF QUARTER SESSIONS, by William BRADBROOK, M.R.C.S. ; SEIZE ...... York,M.R.C,S. died tal Bank, Died ^B 1827. London. 1867. ...
  3. [PDF] 

    CALENDAR 2011
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    Michael McKenzie, BBS(Econ) Massey MEc Monash PhD RMIT. Appointed 2008 ...... National Health and Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Centre .... The Hon Mr Justice Archibald Henry Simpson, MA Camb ..... FRCOCMRCS LRCP. 1930 - 1931. 1939. Professor Theodore George Bentley Osborn, DSc. Manc(ex officio) ...
  4. [DOC] 

    Calendar 2007 Calendar 2007 Calendar 2007 ... - University of Sydney
    File Format: Microsoft Word
    Appointed 2005 Michael W Jackson, BA Nebraska MA PhD Alta. Professor of Accounting Appointed 1993 ......1902 The Hon Mr Justice Archibald Henry Simpson, MA Camb ... 2005-2006 Professor Don Nutbeam, BEd MA PhD S'ton (Acting) ..... 1939 FRCOC MRCS LRCP. 1930-1933 Osborn, Professor Theodore George Bentley, DSc ...


posted Sep 13, 2011 6:51 AM by victorious children
Sources listed
  • CECI, S. J. & BRUCK, M. (1995). Jeopardy in the
Courtroom. American Psychological Association. Call (800) 374-2721. (Case studies and scientific research to clarify points for evaluating children's statements.) SOURCE NUMBER 1 CHECK 

  1. Remarriage as a Trigger of Parental AlienationSyndrome by ... - Cached
    Gardner (1985; 1998) introduced the term parental alienation syndrome (PAS) to describe this phenomenon. Parental ..... CeciS. J., & BruckM. (1995). ...
  2. PAS Bibliography A-C - Parental AlienationSyndrome - Cached
    The International Handbook of Parental AlienationSyndrome. by Gardner, Sauber, and Lorandos, ..... Bruck,M., & CeciS. J. (1995). Amicus brief for the case of ...
  3. How ... - Parental Alienation - Dr. LF Lowenstein - Southern England - Cached
    London, K.; BruckM.; CeciS.J.; & Schumanm, D.W. (2005). Disclosure of child sexual abuse: What does the research tell us about the ways that children tell? ...
  4. The international handbook of parental alienationsyndrome: ... - Google Books Result A. Gardner, S. Richard Sauber, Demosthenes Lorandos - 2006 - Medical - 458 pages
    Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Developmental Analysis of a Vulnerable Population. ... See eg, CeciSJ & BruckM. (1993). The Suggestibility of the Child ...
  5. The Spectrum Of Parental Alienation Syndrome Part II Cont. - Cached
    The brief argues that testimony regarding Parental Alienation Syndrome is ..... Ceci SJBruck M: Suggestibility of the child witness: a historical review and ...
  6. Resources for ... - Falsely Accused of Physical Abuse or Molestation? - Cached
    BruckM., CeciS.J., Francoeur, E., & Barr, R.J. (1995)...... The parental alienation syndrome and the differentiation between fabricated and genuine child sexual ...

  • GARDNER, RICHARD (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex
Abuse. Order from Creative Therapeutics, 155 Country Road, Cresskill, NJ 07626-2675. (A guide for legal and mental health professionals.)
Source number 2 check

"If you are a woman and you allege child sexual abuse, expect to be attacked with Richard Gardner's Parental Alienation Syndrome . Gardner's writing is popular ...

  1. Quotes By Richard Gardner | Stop Family Violence › ... › Parental AlienationCached
    Richard A. Gardner, M.D., is the creator of the creator and main proponent for Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) theory. Prior to his suicide, Gardner was an ...
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/20/11
  2. Frye v. Gardner in the - The Liz Library - Cached
    by JH Poliacoff - Related articles
    More recently Richard Gardner coined the term "Parental Alienation Syndrome" to describe the situation in which, he asserts, a child is brainwashed solely by an ...
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/5/11
  3. Richard Gardner and Parental AlienationSyndrome - Cached
    Richard Gardner and Parental Alienation Syndrome. The debate rages on... Jamie Talan,, July 1, 2003. In Death, Can He Survive? Psychiatrist ...
  4. Parental alienation syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Parental alienation syndrome (abbreviated as PAS) is term coined by Richard A. Gardner in the early 1980s to refer to what he describes as a disorder in which ...
  5. Richard A. Gardner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cached
    Richard Alan Gardner (April 28, 1931 – May 25, 2003) was a clinical ...

  • Institute for Psychological Therapies, 13200 Cannon City Boulevard, Northfield, MN 55057-4405 (507) 645-8881.
Source number 3 check
  1. IPT Journal - Book Review ... - Institute for Psychological Therapies
    Aug 3, 2011 – Title: Therapeutic Interventions for Children with Parental Alienation ... Reviewed by Ralph Underwager,Institute for Psychological Therapies...
  2. Institute for Psychological Therapies - Ralph Underwager - Cached
    Aug 3, 2011 – Director, Institute for Psychological Therapies: (1974-2003) ...
  3. Parental Alienation, DSM-5, and ICD-11 - Google Books Result Bernet - 2010 - Family & Relationships - 264 pages
    Dissertation, Miami Institute of Psychology of the Caribbean Center for Advanced ... [Parental alienation syndrome: Etiology, diagnostics, therapy] [Czech]. ...
  4. Dr Terence Campbell Background and Curriculum - Forensic ... - Cached
    2000-2001 National Parental Alienation Foundation. Editorial Positions: 2009-Present ... Institute for Psychological Therapies, Northfield, MN. Public Service: ...
  5. Parental alienation syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Richard A. Gardner coined the expression "parental alienation syndrome" ... and it is not listed in the AmericanPsychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of ... In addition, therapy with the child to stop alienation and remediate the damaged ..... American Prosecutors ResearchInstitute Newsletter 16 (6). ...
  6. Personality Characteristics Of Falsely Accusing Parents In Custody ... - Cached
    by H WAKEFIELD - Cited by 4 - Related articles
    Institute for Psychological Therapies ... He describes a "parental alienation syndrome" in which the child identifies with the vilifying parent and communicates ...
  • TONG, DEAN (1996). ISSUES IN CHILD ABUSE ACCUSATIONS. A quarterly journal published byAshes to Ashes...Families to Dust; False Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse: A Road Map for Survivors. Hampton Roads. (Personal experiences and lists some resources.)
source number 4 check

  1. MORE ON DEAN TONG - Cached
    In cases over the past several years Dean Tong has been retained by parents and ... Parental Alienation and Relocation Experts; Borderline Personality Experts; polygraph ... Childrens Rights Council, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2002 ...
  2. Dean Tong - Guest Expert, Consultant, Author and Speaker Dean ... - Cached
    Dean Tong, an internationally recognized expert on family rights and false ... Child Abuse 2000: False Allegations andParental Alienation Syndrome at the ...
  3. [PDF] 

    Dean Tong, MSc.
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    Personality Disorder), PA (Parental Alienation), SAID (Sexual Allegations. In Divorce) ... in 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2001 and 2002, and to the California Public ... Dean Tong is an internationally noted author, forensic consultant, and forensic ...
  4. Parentectomy in the Crossfire - Cached
    This article features Dean Tong's literary work, Elusive Innocence—Survival Guide for the Falsely Accused coveringparental alienation and false abuse ...
  5. Ashes to ashes-- families to dust: false accusations of child ... - Google Books Result Tong - 1996 - Law - 262 pages
    The actions of a manipulative custodial parent may well result in the child suffering from some level of the Parental Alienation Syndrome. ...
  6. Featured Forensic Consultant: Dean Tong, MSc. - Child Abuse ... - Cached
    Dean Tong, MSc., Forensic Trial Consultant - Dean Tong is known nationally for ... memory cases, with a concentration in parental alienation, false accusations ...
  7. FACT: Books Page - Cached
    Mendelson, Robert : A Family Divided (1996). ... Tong,Dean: ASHES to ASHES..Families ... Warshak, Richard A.:Parental Alienation Syndrome in Court (1996). ...
  8. Elusive Innocence: Survival Guide for the Falsely ... › ... › Abuse & Self Defense › Sexual Abuse - Cached
    Rated 4.6 out of 5.0
     36 reviews - $12.66 - In stock
    "Dean Tong's Elusive Innocence should be a wake-up call to child advocates ... to Borderline Personality Disorder andParental Alienation; and to sections on ...

  • WEXLER, RICHARD (1990). Wounded Innocents: The Real Victims in the War
Against Child Abuse. Prometheus Books. (Investigates child welfare system.)
Source check number5

  1. visit - Goldberg & Associates - Cached
    Even if a Judge never uses the words " parental alienation" its well ... Dr. Richard Gardner identified P.A.S and wrote that mother's and father's both suffered in ... wife went to our pediatrician in Boca Raton, whose name is Dr. Jerry Wexler, and ...
  2. References - Cached
    The Parental Alienation Syndrome by Richard Gardner A guide for mental health and .... Wounded Innocents byRichard Wexler Well documented indictment of ...
  3. Brainwashed Children « Parental Rights
    Apr 4, 2011 – NH Supreme Court: Parental AlienationInimical to Child's Best Interests « Fathers & Families ......WexlerRichard (1990).Wounded Innocents: ...
  4. Grandparents blog-Dedicated to Austin and Isabella: Richard ... - Cached
    Jun 30, 2011 – Richard Gardner's definition of Parental Alienation is exactly what we .... StoryDiscussionByRichard Wexler | Posted: Tuesday, January 12, ...
  5. Understanding and Collaboratively TreatingParental Alienation ... - Cached
    Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a special case of postdivorce conflict in ... Dr. Richard Gardner first described PAS in an article and then later in a book and ...... 273 (1970); W. Hedges, R. Wechsler, & C. Ballantine, Divorce and the ...
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/18/11
  6. Therapeutic Jurisprudence Contents Page: Child Custody Evaluators - Cached
    Richard Austin, Ph.D. * R. Christopher Barden, Ph.D. * Stephen Ceci, Ph.D. * Douglas Darnall, Ph.D. * Stephen ...[ ...
  7. familylaw - Cached
    The other parent is then ordered to pay a crushing amount of child support, ... until it becomes Child Poverty Services,"Richard Wexler, executive director of the ..... legal services through the organization Parents Against Parental Alienation...

.. Paul McHugh, M.D; and Harold Lief, M.D. Richard Gardner, M ...

posted Aug 27, 2011 9:51 PM by victorious children
  • FMS Foundation Newsletter, Vol 4 No. 10, November 1, 1995 ...

    ... Paul McHugh, M.D; and Harold Lief, M.D. Richard Gardner, M ... the people in the spaceship Psychoanalytic Theory to Crews's ... It's sad to study doomed people's accounts in ...

  • posted Aug 27, 2011 7:05 PM by victorious children
  • False Memory Syndrome - a pseudoscientific syndrome - alt ...

    This includes Anna Salter's analysis of her harassment by Ralph Underwager[21 ... Proponents of false memory theories have ... pg=PT82&lpg=PT86&vq=sad... Cross, S. with ...

  • Essay: by Moira Johnston, author of Spectral Evidence: A Salem Hallowe'en

    posted Aug 21, 2011 8:01 AM by victorious children
    Essay: by Moira Johnston, author of Spectral Evidence
    A Salem Hallowe'en
    In Salem, Massachusetts, the Chamber of Commerce has worked alchemy on its past, turning witches into gold -- transforming a shameful history of witch hunts into a month long festival starring Salem as "The Hallowe'en Capital of the World." A few seasons ago, while tourists reveled in spooks and broomsticks, a father destroyed by a modern day witch hunt stumbled onto Salem at Hallowe'en. His life had been undone by gossip of incest based on his eldest daughter's flashbacks of twelve years of abuse that ranged from a sexual look to forced bestiality with the family dog. It was uncorroborated rumor. But it spread like wildfire through the neighborhood, and into Napa Valley's most famous winery, destroying his life. He came to Salem to connect with the past. But he couldn't find it in the Chamber of Horrors, or the crowded streets.
    If Gary Ramona had stumbled on Salem's bleak memorial park -- if he had seen the names of the nineteen hung on Gallows Hill carved into its granite benches -- he might have found his ghosts. But would he have found solace? He has not found it in legal vindication. In a landmark jury trial in 1994, he won a half-million dollar malpractice verdict against the therapists he charged with planting false memories in his daughter's mind -- the first of thousands of accused fathers to gain the right to sue. He has just seen California's appellate court dismiss his daughter's rape and damage suit against him, ending at last the Ramona family's eight year civil war. But he's been condemned to a living death. His marriage and family are gone. He can never reclaim his brilliant career. The taint of "perpetrator" will cling forever.
    And yet his victory turned the tide of the recovered memory wars. It spurred memory research, intensified scientific scrutiny by the courts, and led to a spate of multi-million dollar verdicts against therapists, forcing caution and reform. New accusations have shrunk to a trickle. The mainstream now knows that memory is a fallible reconstruction, not an accurate videotape replay, as claimed. And as proof continues to elude that an entire childhood of traumatic sexual abuse -- not physical, not emotional abuse -- can be massively repressed, then accurately recalled, the memories have been almost universally dubbed "unreliable." The few corroborated cases of delayed recall are explained by preeminent memory scientists like Daniel Schacter, chair of Harvard's psychology department, as "falling within the rubric of ordinary forgetting and remembering.
    It would seem time for remorse. The Village of Salem publicly apologized five years after the witch trials, 300 years ago. "I justly fear that I have been instrumental, with bring upon myself and this land the guilt of innocent blood," confessed Ann Putnam, one of the finger-pointers.
    But the memory wars rage on. As long as science cannot say for sure what's false or true, those with a stake in the wars stir up witch's brews of theory in a desperate effort to salvage some legitimacy for recovered memories before they are relegated to history's dustbin. I see as extremely cynical the current cry that the beleaguered flashbacks should be held to no higher legal standard than ordinary, fallible memory; let us not forget that it was the claimed pristine accuracy of these memories that was the very basis for the destructive thunderbolts hurled at fathers like Gary Ramona.
    It is hard to face our failings. Salem scrubbed its past and sublimated it into tourist prosperity. As we dig out from more than a decade of witch hunts for recovered memories, satanic ritual abuse, day-care sex rings, and patriarchal monsters committing incest in every home, we try to avert our eyes from our persisting susceptibility to witch hunts and irrationality. Note, for example, the swift demise of two recent movies which exposed our folly on the big screen: "The Crucible," Arthur Miller's story of Salem's witch hunt, and "A Thousand Acres," a retelling of Lear which relies on flashbacks of incest by daddy to explain all of life's problems, a device Shakespeare didn't seem to need.
    Enough tricks! Hallowe'en would be a good time for Congress to give us a treat, and ask the National Academy of Science to appoint a panel to study and report on the recovered memory phenomenon -- a report whose authority might, finally, put the memory wars to rest.
    Moira Johnston is the author of Spectral Evidence: The Ramona Case.

    'M E M O R Y' T H E R A P Y L E A D S T O A

    posted Aug 21, 2011 7:57 AM by victorious children
    'M E M O R Y'    T H E R A P Y   L E A D S   T O    A   
    L A W S U I T    A N D   B I G    S E T T L E M E N T
                                By Pam Belluck
    excerpt from last 2 paragraphs
      Across the country in the last two years, other cases have been filed, many of them alleging similarly bizarre or violent memories. In 1995, a jury in Minnesota awarded $2.6 million to woman who claimed her St. Paul psychiatrist told her that if she recovered her buried memories she would discover that she had been sexually abused by relatives.   
    ''The next thing I think there will be is legislation to force informed consent by psychiatric patients for this treatment,'' said Dr. R. Christopher Barden, a psychologist and a lawyer, who worked on Mrs. Burgus's case. ''I think insurance companies will stop reimbursing people for mental health treatments not proven safe and effective. This is the death knell for recovered memory therapy.''

    Stop Bad Therapy

    posted Aug 20, 2011 5:27 PM by victorious children
    Stop Bad Therapy What if you have been victimized by the recovered memory movement? Some hard facts about the misuse of recovered memory therapy.

    Your Memories Are Not False: The Case Against "False Memory Syndrome" By Barbara Stannard.

    posted Aug 20, 2011 5:26 PM by victorious children

    Both sides of the "False Accusation" coin

    posted Aug 20, 2011 5:26 PM by victorious children
    Both sides of the "False Accusation" coin Written by a man who was sexually abused by his mother, tried to get justice only to find that there's no place in the system for male survivors.

    posted Aug 20, 2011 5:25 PM by victorious children
    The Myth of False Memories By Paul Turner with Titania Miyamoto; their most recent research paper exploring current studies in memory and the plausibility of recovered memories

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