Tatiana Pauwels’ Nine Initiatives For State Legislatures To End Court-Ordered Domestic Violence By The U.S. Family Court System:
1. Require judges, children’s attorneys, mediators, law enforcement and other professionals to receive certified training in recognizing domestic violence, gender bias, and the effects of domestic violence on children
2. Screen for domestic violence in custody case initiation
3. Ban Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) and other unscientific theories
4. Repeal laws and practices regarding “Friendly Parent” and Joint Custody
5. Allow children to speak and testify before a judge
6. Hold judges accountable for their decisions by eradicating the use of domestic violence gag orders imposed upon protective mothers and their support teams
7. Require child protective agencies to consult and partner with domestic violence advocates when domestic violence is suspected
8. Correct past mistakes: Revoke joint/shared custody decrees where there is evidence of abuse in the child’s environment
9. Abuser must pass the “Assessing Change in Batterers" by Lundy Bancroft and Jay G. Silverman, before he/she may have any contact with the person he/she abused.
Parental alienation is often times used against child abuse victims reporting abuse as the criminal defense for pedophiles and parental abusers of physical child abuse and mental child abuse.. For the children the advertising, promotion and use of a pro-criminal theory supporting incest must end. Write your State and Local officials and ask them to raise awareness about the harm caused to children when incest is promoted with pro-pedophile parental alienation therapy and theory. thank you.