"23 With input from Nelson and continuing litigation, a criminal case
transmogrified with therapization into a semi-parental alienation case, with the Mother ultimately put at disadvantage in the civil custody case"
"Certain forms of contact, the most obvious being some form of penetration would be painful and typically would be experienced as traumatic, but licking and other forms of contact might be perceived by young child as pleasurable or as silly rather than horrible. Where no pain or discomfort is involved, what makes various types of sexual contact traumatic is the meaning to the child and emotional significance of the act. When a child is too young to understand what has occurred trauma is not likely to be experienced."http://www.thelizlibrary.org/therapeutic-jurisprudence/nelson.txt
Wood County please forward :
Volume 16, Number 7, 2003
Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 2 of 2
By Hope Fields1 & Erika Rivera Ragland2
To the district attorney office in wood county county thank you
Excerpts " In cases where PAS testimony is admitted, it is a prosecutor’s responsibility to educate the judge and jury about the shortfalls of this theory.
As more criminal courts refuse to admit PAS evidence, more protection will be afforded to victims of sexual abuse in our court system." http://www.ndaa.org/ncpca_update_v16_no7.html
Wood County District Attorney - Wood County Wisconsin
The District Attorney's Office receives referrals from the various agencies in Wood County, including all law enforcement agencies, Department of Social ...
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PAS is an unproven theory that can threaten the integrity of the criminal justice system and the safety of abused children. Prosecutors should educate themselves about PAS and be prepared to argue against its admission in court. In cases where PAS testimony is admitted, it is a prosecutor’s responsibility to educate the judge and jury about the shortfalls of this theory. As more criminal courts refuse to admit PAS evidence, more protection will be afforded to victims of sexual abuse in our court system.http://www.ndaa.org/ncpca_update_v16_no7.html
The Parental Alienation Syndrome:
Is It Scientific?
by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, FNP
Dallam, S. J. (1999). Parental Alienation Syndrome: Is it scientific? In E. St. Charles & L. Crook (Eds.), Expose: The failure of family courts to protect children from abuse in custody disputes . Los Gatos , CA : Our Children Our Children Charitable Foundation.
All rights are reserved by the author. Up to 8 copies of this can be copied and distributed without expressed permission of the author, provided that the paper is distributed in its entirety.
The Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a controversial theory which has had a profound influence on how child custody cases are handled by the legal system. PAS is based on the assumption that if a child rejects their father, the most likely cause of the alienation is the mother. Treatment involves separating the child from their mother, and punishing them both until the child cooperates with visitation. Richard A. Gardner, M.D., a clinical professor of child psychiatry at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University , is the founder and main proponent of this theory.http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/res/dallam/3.html
The Danger of Pedophilia Preying on America's Innocent
Excerpts " Psychiatry and Psychology Experts. Pedophiles looking to find some “expert” to condone their behavior as “normal” will often turn to the institutions of psychiatry and psychology. For example, many pedophiles refer to a 1998 article by the American Psychological Association (APA) claiming that sex between adults and children can actually be positive for “willing” children. The same article proposes that we drop the terms “child abuse,” “molestation,” “victims” and “adult-child sex” when discussing this issue. This article was later modified by the APA, but many pedophiles continue to appeal to it to promote their actions. One psychologist, Dr. Michael Werthmeimer (member of the APA), believes that pedophilia is not harmful to the child. Dr. Richard Gardner, a child psychiatrist at Columbia University, believes that all forms of deviant sexual behavior should be acceptable, including adult-child sex, sex with the dead, sex with animals, and even sex with defecation. Of course, pedophiles make it a point to interview and quote from “experts” like Werthmeimer and Gardner.11"http://]/archives/volume44/V44020307.htm
See more at: http://www.worldviewweekend.com:81/worldview-times/article.php?articleid=4842#sthash.16GlCjVi.dpuf
Posted: 04/27/09 Child Custody: After the Sexual Revolution By Judith Reisman - See more
Excerpts " This seemingly irate faction has used "experts" like Drs. Richard Gardner, Ralph Underwager, and Warren Farrell, all three pedophile and incest advocates. Kinsey disciple Gardner said incest was an unsexy mom's fault, Underwager praised pedophiles in the Dutch Paidika, Journal of Paedophila, and Farrell touted "Incest ….The Last Taboo," in Penthouse December 1977.
Gardner, (deceased) created the "Parental Alienation Syndrome," rejected by the Family Research Council along with the National Organization of Women, the American Psychiatric Association, the National Association for the Prosecution of Child Abuse, and the American Judges Association. Unfortunately the PAS claim that mothers who report incest are frigid and jealous is still cited by courts and social services in granting child custody to certified abusers.
Such child custody horrors reflect a sexually libertine society. The continued collapse of chastity and monogamy dictates the growth of a sexually virulent society that exploits children and women absent the fear of morally empowered male protectors. For societal evil to flourish and prosper, males, especially brave, morally honorable fathers, are the first line of attack.
Male and female judges who award children to sexually abusive parents are complicit in abuse, in effect trafficking in children. Unless and until the public learns how and why we were lied to by our sexual revolutionaries, we will continue to lose our marriages; fathers will continue to be made impotent by sexual deviance, mothers will continue to seek to be sexy instead of sagacious, and we will continue to lose the civil society that formally offered children largely free, and even safe and happy lives."
- See more at: http://www.worldviewweekend.com:81/worldview-times/article.php?articleid=4842#sthash.16GlCjVi.dpuf
Posted: 04/27/09 Child Custody: After the Sexual Revolution By Judith Reisman - See more
The promoters of Parental Alienation Awareness Day might as well be promoting “Family Sex Day” as the pedophile communities love this fake mental illness for pathologizing and criminalizing anyone who dares to protect a child from any type of abuse.”
Russell, Kathleen. (Oct. 14, 2009). Child Abuse: When Family Courts Get it Wrong. States must reform a system that too often awards custody to the abusive parent. Christian Science Monitor.
[excerpt] When a parent harms his or her own child, family courts are supposed to step in and safeguard the victim.
Can you imagine what a tragedy it would be if courts awarded custody to the wrong parent – the abuser?
Actually, according to one conservative estimate, more than 58,000 children per year are ordered by family courts into unsupervised contact with physically or sexually abusive parents following divorce in the United States.
The fact that this type of scandal is taking place in the American justice system defies the imagination. Not since the Roman Catholic Church pedophile scandal has the US seen this level of institutional harm inflicted on innocent children.
Excerpts see link for rest of the ads
Parenting Coaches Stevens Point WI - Stevens Point WI, parenting ...
Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Wisconsin Rapids WI
Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) occurs when one parent turns the child against the other parent. It is a very common phenomenon in high-conflict divorce procedures and custody disputes. Children are vulnerable and receptive. You should not encourage anger or hatred towards the absent parent because of your feelings towards that parent. It is best to seek help before your child is deeply affected. There are co-parenting mediation classes available and family therapists that can help you cope and adjust to changes in a more productive way. Listed below you will find family counselors around Wisconsin Rapids that can help. Your children deserve better and so do you
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DMHSAS - Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center. 1. SOURCE: PIVS June ....Lksmth-j. (03-11). 203MTNDPT. 100/100. #329340. Brandau, Ken D. Hvacrefrig. ( 03-15) .... 100/100. #329125. Sosinsky, Michael J ..... Nelson, Elaine A. Pct. (05- 31)...
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- Oct 20, 2010 – Pedohebephilia, Paraphilic Coercive Disorder and Hypersexual Disorder. – Sand Ridge Treatment Center Wisconsin (In The Penal Colony) …Not one - B4U-ACTb4uact.org/NotOne.ppsFile Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - Quick ViewJan 8, 2008 – You will molest either children in your ownfamily or children outside your family. ... The program includes use of aversion therapy, in which patients inhale ammonia to ... —Marshfield, WI, News-Herald, November 19, 2007 ...
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- Aug 22, 2011 - Dr. Judith Reisman is former principal investigator for the U.S. Department ... of Law, and I attended the “B4U-ACT” pedophile conference Aug.
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