Friday, May 27, 2011

Mar 22, 2011 .... A joint custody bills has been introduced in the Minnesota House by Rep. ...

Split-custody presumption bill dies    

Mar 22, 2011 ... A South Dakota bill that would have had judges in child custody ... "best interests of the child," tends to grant custody to the mother. ... who has had his own custody battle in the wake of his bizarre recent media blitz. ... A joint custody bills has been introduced in the Minnesota House by Rep. ...

Child sexual abuse can take place within the family, by a parent, step-parent, ... No child is psychologically prepared to cope with repeated sexual stimulation.

Child Sexual Abuse | American    

Child sexual abuse can take place within the family, by a parent, step-parent, ... No child is psychologically prepared to cope with repeated sexual stimulation. ... or loyalty for the person, and the sense that the sexual activities are terribly wrong. ... #10 Teen Suicide · #28 Responding to Child Sexual Abuse ...


The Complexity of Investigating Possible Sexual    

If a stranger commits these acts, it would be considered sexual assault and handles solely by ... Repeated interviews combined with other evaluations such as tests, ... threatens the child not to reveal the abuse, and when a parent does not ... Some can suffer from borderline personality disorder and commit suicide ...

December 11, 2008: Appellate court decision in the Dr. Rick Lohstroh case: this is what some of these people call PAS!!

December 11, 2008: Appellate court decision in the Dr. Rick Lohstroh case: this is what some of these people call PAS!!


MORE - The cross-referral networks of the PAS purveyors

MORE - The cross-referral networks of the PAS purveyors
Richard Austin, Ph.D. * R. Christopher Barden, Ph.D. * Stephen Ceci, Ph.D. * Douglas Darnall, Ph.D. * Stephen Herman, M.D. * Jayne Major, Ph.D. * Daniel Rybicki, Ph.D. * S. Richard Sauber, Ph.D. (listed twice) * W. vonBoch-Galhau, Ph.D. * Richard A Warshak, Ph.D. * J. Michael Bone * L. F. Lowenstein, Ph.D. * Reena Sommer, Ph.D. * Jerry Brinegar, Ph.D. * Katherine Andre, Ph.D. * Ken Lewis, Ph.D. * Catherine Swanson Cain, Ph.D. * Monty Weinstein, Ph.D. * Amy J. L. Baker, Ph.D. * David Britton * Robert Evans, Ph.D. * Debra Gordy * Christina McGhee * Harvey Shapiro (Elizabeth Loftus's "investigator") * Jose Manuel Aguilar Cuenca * Theresa K. Cooke, * Jeff Opperman * Remi Thivierge * Joe Goldberg * James J. Gross, Esq. * Randy Kolin, Ph.D. * Randy Rand * David Carico, Esq. * Lawrence W. Daly * Charles D. Jamieson, Esq.
experts.asp accessed 01/01/08]

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Listening to the Perps By Barry Goldstein

By Barry Goldstein

At the same time the media fails and refuses to cover the crisis in the custody courts in which thousands of children’s lives are destroyed by the use of outdated, discredited and biased practices, the NY Model Batterer Program I work with is frequently invited for television shows and interviews with reporters if we would provide a “reformed” batterer. We always turn down these requests and explain that there is no way to know a batterer has truly changed and that in any event he would not be someone with the expertise to help their audience understand the issue. This is no problem for most journalists. They simply find a program with less ethics and a greater desire to appear on television.

PASRailroadingchildabusevictims: PAS Expert, Dr Amy Baker versus thelizlibrary

PASRailroadingchildabusevictims: PAS Expert, Dr Amy Baker versus thelizlibrary: "Parental Alienation Syndrome, PAS Expert Dr PAS Expert, Dr Amy Baker is a developmental psychologist, researcher and author of Adu..."

PAS Expert, Dr Amy Baker versus thelizlibrary

Parental Alienation Syndrome, PAS Expert Dr    

PAS Expert, Dr Amy Baker is a developmental psychologist, researcher and author of Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties that Bind. ... Researcher, author and expert in the field of Parental Alienation Syndrome or PAS...

Dr. Richard Gardner: A Review of His Theories and Opinions on Atypical Sexuality, Pedophilia, and Treatment Issues  by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, FNP Please note: I do not agree with Gardner’s ideas. “Richard A. Gardner, M.D., is a prominent forensic expert with an extensive career of evaluating children, especially during custody disputes between parents.” “Gardner (1992, p. 588) does not believe in doing therapy with fathers who deny committing sexual molestation. If father desires treatment, the therapist should focus on enhancing his self-esteem. This is accomplished by helping him to appreciate that “there is a certain amount of pedophilia in all of us” and that “pedophilia has been considered the norm by the vast majority of individuals in the history of the world”(Gardner 1992, ppi.592-3).” “Gardner’s Views on Pedophilia – “The sexually abused child is generally considered to be the victim,” though the child may initiate sexual encounters by ‘seducing’ the adult.” “Gardner (1991, p. 118) suggests that Western society’s is “excessively moralistic and punitive” toward pedophiles.” published in Jan/Feb 1998 issue of Treating Abuse Today; the second part was published in the Mar/Apr 1998 issue (Volume 8, issue 2). Back issues can be obtained from Treating Abuse Today

The Evidence for Parental Alienation Syndrome: An Examination of Gardner’s Theories and Opinions by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, FNP, Paralegal “It should be noted that Gardner’s views on pedophilia are at odds with the scientific research on child sexual abuse which has consistently and conclusively shown the negative long-term effect of sexual abuse on children.” Printed in Treating Abuse Today, 8(2), Mar/Apr 1998, pp 25-34 by Survivors And Victims Empowered (SAVE)

Parental Alienation - Parental Alienation Syndrome: Research and Information IndexTherapeutic Jurisprudence.
Children Need... THIS ? ...or THIS ? ...or THIS ?

disciplined WILLIAM WRIGLEY, declaring that he acted unprofessionally in giving evidence about "parental alienation syndrome" to the court.March 3, 2008

March 3, 2008: The Psychologists Board of Queensland (Australia) disciplined WILLIAM WRIGLEY, declaring that he acted unprofessionally in giving evidence about "parental alienation syndrome" to the court.  An investigation of Wrigley found that his evidence in a case three years earlier, which led to a mother losing custody of her two children, constituted "conduct that demonstrates incompetence or a lack of adequate knowledge, skill, judgment or care."  The judge in the case stated, "It has to be said that in terms of objectivity, professionalism, fairness and balance, his reports are in stark contrast to those provided by (other professionals)."  The board advised Wrigley of its unanimous decision that he had "acted in a way that constituted unsatisfactory conduct" for "referring to an unrecognized syndrome in his reports.  It was inappropriate for [Wrigley] to either diagnose the children or state there was a likelihood the children could develop parental alienation syndrome, as it is not a recognized syndrome.  To diagnose a patient as suffering from or demonstrating a potential to develop an unrecognized syndrome is contrary to the code of ethics."

Dr. Douglas Darnall Ph.D vs December 2003, the Ohio State Board of Psychology filed 11 allegations against DOUGLAS C. DARNALL

The Difference Between Parental Alienation    

Jan 8, 2011 ... New Definition of Parental Alienation, What is the Difference Between Parental Alienation (PA) and PAS, written by Dr. Douglas Darnall Ph.D. ...

"In December 2003, the Ohio State Board of Psychology filed 11 allegations against DOUGLAS C. DARNALL, in addition to complaints filed against him in 2002 by five former clients.  Many of the complaints accused Darnall of using the diagnosis of parental alienation syndrome to classify parents’ behavior and using a non-published test—the “parental alienation scale”—to form conclusions in psychological assessment, which the state says contradicts the standards for psychological testing.  One of the complaints alleged that Darnall conducted an evaluation of a client and her ex-husband to provide the court a child visitation recommendation without ever meeting the children, according to the state’s document.  The state charged Darnall with requiring clients to complete his nonvalidated “parental alienation scale” as part of their evaluation; warning parents that their evaluation would not be completed if they did not fill out the scale and that the judge would be notified and making at least one custody recommendation without adequately gathering information from clients, among others.  The board issued a disciplinary action against Darnall in April 2005, which was appealed.  The board ultimately voided its disciplinary decision and dismissed the charges against him in an August 2005 settlement that required him obtain 15 hours of continuing education in forensic psychological practice and tutorial direction from a board-approved supervisor in identifying risk factors/avoiding loss of objectivity in litigation-related evaluations of children. "20

BewareParentalAlienation-in-AdmissableTheory: "Parents who have been wronged, their children’s s...

BewareParentalAlienation-in-AdmissableTheory: "Parents who have been wronged, their children’s s...: " 'Parental Alienation..."

Jun 15, 2010 ... Dr. Richard Gardner leaves a legacy of pro-pedophilia and child abuse. ... pseudo- scientific

YouTube - Hell Is For Abusers    
Jun 15, 2010 ... Dr. Richard Gardner leaves a legacy of pro-pedophilia and child abuse. ... pseudo- scientific theory of PAS (Parental Alienation Synd...

Apr 29, 2011 ... Although some people call this “Maternal Alienation”, a distinction needs to be made as the pro-pedophilia “Parental Alienation Syndrome” ..

maternal deprivation abuse |    

Apr 29, 2011 ... Although some people call this “Maternal Alienation”, a distinction needs to be made as the pro-pedophilia “Parental Alienation Syndrome” ...

Mar 12, 2010 ... Although Janet Johnston and Joan Kelly agree that parental alienation is a real phenomenon, they do not agree with the concept of parental ...

The American Journal of Family Therapy Parental     (PDF File)

Mar 12, 2010 ... Although Janet Johnston and Joan Kelly agree that parental alienation is a real phenomenon, they do not agree with the concept of parental ...
The Fiction of Parental Alienation Syndrome «    
The issue of parental alienation must be addressed. The source of the syndrome was a pro-paedophile doctor; Dr Gardner. He decided that there was a syndrome ...


THE LIZ LIBRARY: LIZNOTES research on family law    



    • Shows sudden changes in behavior or school performance
    • Has not received help for physical or medical problems brought to the parents' attention
    • Has learning problems (or difficulty concentrating) that cannot be attributed to specific physical or psychological causes
    • Is always watchful, as though preparing for something bad to happen
    • Lacks adult supervision
    • Is overly compliant, passive, or withdrawn
    • Comes to school or other activities early, stays late, and does not want to go home

1. Giving children choices when they have no choice about visits. Allowing the child to decide for themselves to visit when the court order says there is no choice sets up the child for conflict. The child will usually blame the non-residential parent for not being able to decide to choose whether or not to visit. The parent is now victimized regardless of what happens; not being able to see his children or if he sees them, the children are angry. 
2. Telling the child "everything" about the marital relationship or reasons for the divorce is alienating. The parent usually argues that they are "just wanting to be honest" with their children. This practice is destructive and painful for the child. The alienating parent's motive is for the child to think less of the other parent.

3. Refusing to acknowledge that children have property and may want to transport their possessions between residences.

4. Resisting or refusing to cooperate by not allowing the other parent access to school or medical records and schedules of extracurricular activities.

5. A parent blaming the other parent for financial problems, breaking up the family, changes in lifestyle, or having a girlfriend/boyfriend, etc.

6. Refusing to be flexible with the visitation schedule in order to respond to the child's needs. The alienating parent may also schedule the children in so many activities that the other parent is never given the time to visit. Of course, when the targeted parent protests, they are described as not caring and selfish.

7. Assuming that if a parent had been physically abusive with the other parent, it follows that the parent will assault the child. This assumption is not always true.

8. Asking the child to choose one parent over another parent causes the child considerable distress. Typically, they do not want to reject a parent, but instead want to avoid the issue. The child, not the parent, should initiate any suggestion for change of residence.

9. Children will become angry with a parent. This is normal, particularly if the parent disciplines or has to say "no". If for any reason the anger is not allowed to heal, you can suspect parental alienation. Trust your own experience as a parent. Children will forgive and want to be forgiven if given a chance. Be very suspicious when the child calmly says they cannot remember any happy times with you or say anything they like about you.

10. Be suspicious when a parent or stepparent raises the question about changing the child's name or suggests an adoption.

11. When children cannot give reasons for being angry towards a parent or their reasons are very vague without any details.

12. A parent having secrets, special signals, a private rendezvous, or words with special meanings are very destructive and reinforce an on-going alienation.

13. When a parent uses a child to spy or covertly gather information for the parent's own use, the child receives a damaging message that demeans the victimized parent.

14. Parents setting up temptations that interfere with the child's visitation.

15. A parent suggesting or reacting with hurt or sadness to their child having a good time with the other parent will cause the child to withdraw and not communicate. They will frequently feel guilty or conflicted not knowing that it's "okay" to have fun with their other parent.

16. The parent asking the child about his/her other parent's personal life causes the child considerable tension and conflict. Children who are not alienated want to be loyal to both parents.

17. When parents physically or psychologically rescue the children when there is no threat to their safety. This practice reinforces in the child's mind the illusion of threat or danger, thereby reinforcing alienation.

18. Making demands on the other parent that is contrary to court orders.

19. Listening in on the children's phone conversation they are having with the other parent.

20. One way to cause your own alienation is making a habit of breaking promises to your children. In time, your ex-spouse will get tired of having to make excuses for you.

Signs of CHILD Physical Abuse

Has unexplained burns, bites, bruises, broken bones, or black eyes
  • Has fading bruises or other marks noticeable after an absence from school
  • Seems frightened of the parents and protests or cries when it is time to go home
  • Shrinks at the approach of adults
  • Reports injury by a parent or another adult caregiver

Signs of Neglect

Is frequently absent from school
    • Begs or steals food or money
    • Lacks needed medical or dental care, immunizations, or glasses
    • Is consistently dirty and has severe body odor
    • Lacks sufficient clothing for the weather
    • Abuses alcohol or other drugs
    • States that there is no one at home to provide care
Consider the possibility of sexual abuse when the child:

  • Has difficulty walking or sitting
  • Suddenly refuses to change for gym or to participate in physical activities
  • Reports nightmares or bedwetting
  • Experiences a sudden change in appetite
  • Demonstrates bizarre, sophisticated, or unusual sexual knowledge or behavior
  • Becomes pregnant or contracts a venereal disease, particularly if under age 14
  • Runs away
  • Reports sexual abuse by a parent or another adult caregiver
Consider the possibility of emotional maltreatment when the child

Shows extremes in behavior, such as overly compliant or demanding behavior, extreme passivity, or aggression
  • Is either inappropriately adult (parenting other children, for example) or inappropriately infantile (frequently rocking or head-banging, for example)
  • Is delayed in physical or emotional development
  • Has attempted suicide
  • Reports a lack of attachment to the parent

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Coming soon to a theatre near you: The Amazing Story of Linda Marie Sacks..

Million Mom March Mother’s Day 2011 in Washington DC Feb 152011
May 5, 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONFERENCE May 6th, 2011 at 12 Noon Location: US Supreme Court     One First Street, NE                                                                                               Washington, DC 20543             ...                                                                                 Sidewalk in front of the US Supreme Court                                                                                               HISTORIC US SUPREME COURT CASE Child Advocates and Legal Scholars are anxiously awaiting the filing of a Petition for Writ of Certiorari on May 6, 2011 at 12 noon at the US Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. in the Sacks v. Sacks case. This truly will be an  Historic Day at the US Supreme Court, for  America’s children and their “Protective Parents”, as this landmark case is being hand delivered by a Florida Mother and exposes a national crisis all over the US. The Sacks v. Sacks case is the perfect opportunity for the US Supreme Court to thoroughly explore and address the issue of Battered Mothers and child abuse, and their documented evidence of “protective parents” losing custody  and the failure of family courts and Child Protective Services to thoroughly investigate and handle Domestic Violence, child sexual/and or child physical abuse cases properly, therefore resulting in a verdict, contrary to the “bests interests of the child(ren)”. Kathleen Russell, from the Center for Judicial Excellence, in the California Progress Report, on 10/19/09 “When Family Courts Get It Wrong”, says “When a parent harms his or her own child, family courts are supposed to step in and safeguard the victim. Can you imagine what a tragedy it would be if courts awarded custody to the wrong parent Actually according to one conservative estimate, more than 58, 000 children a year are court ordered by family courts into unsupervised visitation contact with physically or sexually abusive parents following a divorce in the U.S. The fact that this type of scandal is taking place in the American justice system defies the imagination. Not since the Roman Catholic Church pedophile scandal has the US seen this type of institutional harm inflicted on innocent children.” ( The National Organization for Women, NOW and the NOW Ad Hoc Law Committee are  addressing this issue and in their Spring 2011,  “and explore what can happen to  a protective mother and her children when she does nothing more than to protect her children”, as quoted on page 36 of the Petition for Certiorari. The Petitioner, in the US Supreme Court case, Linda Marie Sacks, has been chosen as the “Poster Mother” of the Family Court Crisis, is interviewed for the article.( Click on the Family Law Spring Newsletter. On April 21, 2011,  in the BMCCVI Digest Number 2011, reports that Eileen King representing Justice for Children participated in the Office of Violence Against Women Roundtable Discussion that took place at George Washington University Law School. The Roundtable was organized by Rita Smith, the Director of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Prof. Joan Meier, Director of the Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project (DVLEAP) at GWU Law School. OVW will post a report about the Roundtable on their website in the near future. ( and ( As noted by Barry Goldstein, Esq. The Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) is part of the US Justice Department that provides grants for programs to reduce and prevent domestic violence. They recently sponsored a forum for their staff and other professionals in various parts of the government to learn about the crisis in the custody court system.  “It was a discussion based upon current scientific research and actual experiences that courts are routinely making catastrophic mistakes in failing to protect children and domestic violence survivors. Linda Marie Sacks, a Florida Mother, truly the “All American Mom”, has only seen her children at the Family Tree House Visitation Center for  82 hours in the last 4 years and 2 months, is challenging the “Best Interests of The Children” Statute 61.13,  as Domestic Violence, child sexual and physical abuse must be considered in a judge’s decision determining the “Best Interests of the Children”. In the Pro se Cert  Petition, Sacks raises  the constitutional implications of a fit parent to the care, custody, of her children, and without a finding of unfitness by clear and convincing evidence, established by the US Supreme Court ruling in Santosky v. Kramer, U.S. 745, 769-770 (1982). Her daughters said in April 2007, “Mommy fight for us and do something every day to get us back and don’t ever stop”. Their Mother not only kept her promise to them, but now is a national spokesperson on the child custody crisis, and is speaking up for her children, and all of America’s children affected by the failure of our justice system to protect our most innocent children from sexual and physical abuse. She is a formidable legal opponent, as she has been self taught, going to “Internet Law School” to continue her legal challenge after spending $140,000 to undo an unjust custody decision. The Fifth District Court of Appeals REVERSED and REMANDED the issue of child custody back to the lower court  for a violation of the Petitioners constitutional rights to due process, in 08/08. This rare reversal provided no relief as the lower court of Judge Shawn L. Briese refused to abide by the Appeals court and refused to protect the children and said one child lied about being sexually abused. In an article by John Weiss, from Post-Bulletin, Rochester, MN , “Do children lie about sexual abuse? Not Usually.” Children do lie, but seldom about being abused. “All human beings can and do lie, but it’s hard for kids to do it about sex”, said Victor Vieth, the director of the national Child Protection Training Center at Winona State University. “They can’t lie about something they have no knowledge of” he said, and children don’t learn about oral sex from Sesame Street. Dr. Deborah Day of Psychological Affiliates, the court ordered custody evaluator said the minor child at 8 years old had pediatric bipolar and that negates any child sexual abuse, and then  thwarted the DCF investigation. The court record clearly showed that the child DID NOT have bipolar, but  the trial court still refused to protect the children, which is typical from cases all over the US.   One day justice will prevail for America’s children. Could it be in the Sacks v. Sacks case?    National Advocacy groups and Mothers will be attending events to shed light on this crisis in America’s Courts. Mothers Day, May 8th, 2011  in Washington DC will also have the Mothers of Lost Children from 6-9:30 PM at the White House.  6:00-9:30 p.m. 6:00 pm speak out 7:00 pm march 7:45 Candlelight vigil Information will be available on Sunday night about activities on Monday. And another group will be having the:   Million Mom March Mother’s Day 2011 in Washington DC Feb 152011 CONTACT:      The Sacks v. Sacks is an historic case. Linda Marie Sacks 386-453-3017 For more information and press Please contact: Kathleen Russell  Executive Director Center for Judicial Excellence 495 Miller Avenue, Suite 304 Mill Valley, CA 94941 Main 415.388.9600 Fax 415.388.4610       IMPORTANT: CJE DOES NOT GIVE LEGAL ADVICE. The information in this e-mail is not intended to serve as legal advice or as a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any particular legal matter. If you have a legal problem, seek professional legal counsel.            See More

From Amanda: "Linda Marie dropped off her petition about 12:30 today. Ladies, tell the world now, it's time! Linda Marie is fighting on behalf of the 58,000 children in America who are court-ordered annually to unsupervised time with their identified abusers...
From Amanda: "Linda Marie dropped off her petition about 12:30 today. Ladies, tell the world now, it's time! Linda Marie is fighting on behalf of the 58,000 children in America who are court-ordered annually to unsupervised time with their identified abusers...


Have you lost custody of your child(ren) in family court due to reporting abuse and/or domestic violence? Do you know a protective mother who has lost custody of her children to a batterer or molester?
We urge you to join The National Safe Child Coalition and Mothers of Lost Children on Mother...s Day, May 8th, 2011 at the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC for a speak out beginning at 6:00 pm, a march at 7:00 pm and a candlelight vigil from 7:45 to 9:00 pm.
Mothers and their supporters are gathering for the second Mothers Day vigil to protest the national trend of family courts to disbelieve mothers and children who report violence and abuse, and to punish them for speaking out by placing the children with their identified perpetrators.
UPDATE: New hours for the Vigil to be held on Mothers Day, May 8th, 2011. There will be a speakout scheduled to start at 6:00 pm in front of the White House. This will be followed by circling the White House, going down 17th St. over to Constitution Ave. then up 15th St. until we return to the fro

Led by mothers' rights activist Sandra Ramos, a large group of women formed outside the Passaic County courthouse to protest judicial treatment of mothers in child custody cases.

Led by mothers' rights activist Sandra Ramos, a large group of women formed outside the Passaic County courthouse to protest judicial treatment of mothers in child custody cases.
Dr. Richard Gardner leaves a legacy of pro-pedophilia and child abuse. Gardner coined the debunked pseudo- scientific theory of PAS (Parental Alienation Synd...

Led by mothers' rights activist Sandra Ramos, a large group of women formed outside the Passaic County courthouse to protest judicial treatment of mothers in child custody cases.
Led by mothers' rights activist Sandra Ramos, a large group of women formed outside the Passaic County courthouse to protest judicial treatment of mothers in child custody cases.


PASRailroadingchildabusevictims: "Million Mom March Mother's Day 2011 in Washington DC Hearts Across America Mr. President, Mothers across the Nation are l..."
Beginning in the 1800s, women organized, petitioned, and picketed to win the right to vote. Ninety-One years later women are once again rising up and speakin...
Mr. President, Mothers across the Nation are losing custody of their children to pedophiles and batterers through your Fatherhood Initiatives' Program's are ...

Friday, May 6, 2011 Hey Kids, Are You A Victim of the System?

Hey Kids, Are You A Victim of the System?

Have the following things happened to you?:   see link

PAS is also a psychologist's dream because he/she knows that trainings can be conducted, books can be written, and the money can be stacked.

PAS is also a psychologist's dream because he/she knows that trainings can be conducted, books can be written, and the money can be stacked. PAS is also a judge's dream because he/she can avoid discerning contrary evidence. Therefore, PAS is definitely an abuser's dream because he can escape culpability for his actions.

"The devil made me do it...and that devil is my ex-wife..."


PAS is a defense lawyer's dream, because all evidence refuting it can be simply reframed as further evidence of the "syndrome" (Bruch, 2001)


EXCERPT: As commentators have pointed out, PAS is a defense lawyer's dream, because all evidence refuting it can be simply reframed as further evidence of the "syndrome" (Bruch, 2001). In other words, if a child repeats claims of abuse, that is characterized as further evidence of extreme "programming" and brainwashing by the mother. If the mother points to a therapist's opinion that the child has been abused, the therapist is accused of a "folie a trois" (a clinical term from the French for "folly of three") which suggests that all three parties are in a dysfunctional "dance" together (Bruch, 2001). SEE LINK FOR REST OF STORY

Richard Gardner's Remedies for Parental Alienation Syndrome


Richard Gardner's Remedies for Parental Alienation Syndrome

(emphasis mine)
EXCERPT : Gardner's "remedy" for purportedly severe PAS is extreme, including complete denial of maternal–child contact and "de-programming" the child through a concerted brainwashing effort to change the child's beliefs that they have been abused (Bruch, 2001; Gardner, 1992a; see also In more than one case, children subjected to these procedures have become suicidal, and in some cases killed themselves, in reaction to court orders to live with the father they said abused them (Bruch, 2001; Hoult, 2006). In other cases, courts have ordered children into jail and juvenile homes as part of Gardner's recommended "threat therapy" which is the stock in trade of strict alienation psychologists (Hoult, 2006; Johnston & Kelly, 2004a). SEE LINK FOR REST OF STORY by

PAS IS WRONG"  says the legal community, scholars and psychiatrists.
                                                                                 PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME:
Alienation Junk Science

July 11, 2006   Bala Cynwyd, Pa.      People who care about abused children finally have something to celebrate.  Two recent high profile legal publications have rejected "Parental Alienation Syndrome" (PAS),  a controversial label often used to discredit allegations of child abuse or domestic violence in family courts.  According to PAS theory, children's disclosures of abuse by one parent are reinterpreted as evidence of "brainwashing" by the other parent. The solution proposed by PAS theory is to immediately award custody to the alleged child abuser.

The newly revised 2006 edition of "Navigating Custody and Visitation Evaluations in Cases with Domestic Violence: A Judge's Guide," published by The National Coalition of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, includes a strong statement condemning the use of PAS which it calls a "discredited" syndrome that favors child abusers in custody determinations.

At the same time the Spring 2006 issue of the American Bar Association's Children's Legal Rights Journal provides a comprehensive analysis of all legal case involving allegations of PAS. This definitive review concludes that science, law, and policy all oppose the admissibility of PAS in the courtroom.

"PAS is junk science at its worst," says Dr. Paul Fink, President of the Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence, and a former President of the American Psychiatric Association.  Dr. Fink explains, "Science tells us that the most likely reason that a child becomes estranged from a parent is that parent's own behavior. Labels, such as PAS, serve to deflect attention away from those behaviors."

Judge Sol Gothard is glad to see that the legal community has joined other professionals in recognizing the harm that PAS can cause. Recently retired from Louisiana's 5th Circuit Court of Appeal, Judge Gothard has been involved in over 2000 cases of allegations of child sexual abuse. He states, "PAS has caused emotional harm, physical harm and in some cases, even death to children."

Joyanna Silberg, Ph.D., a Clinical Psychologist and Executive Vice President of the Council, has also seen first hand the long-term emotional damage this so-called syndrome has caused. "How do you explain to young children forced to live with abusers why the courts have considered them liars and ignored their cries for help?"  Silberg has found that it can take years for these children to get past their feelings of betrayal by the system that was supposed to protect them.

Dr. Silberg views PAS allegations as part of a larger strategy in which abusive parents try to fool the courts, attorneys, child custody evaluators, and mental health professionals into believing that their children and ex-spouses are crazy when they raise concerns about safety. She notes the recent case of Darren Mack, accused of shooting his custody judge and stabbing his wife to death.  Mack successfully convinced a custody evaluator that he was a loving parent with no violent tendencies, notes Silberg.

Stephanie Dallam, MS, a researcher with the Leadership Council, has spent the last 10 years researching PAS.  She traces the syndrome to a controversial psychiatrist, Richard Gardner, who described sex between fathers and their offspring as normal and natural.  In his voluminous self-published writings, Gardner blamed abused children's suffering on our society's "overreaction" to sexual abuse, notes Dallam.

Dr. Paul Fink concludes, "Children suffer when law embraces a 'syndrome' just because a so-called 'expert' coined a snappy phrase.  Increasingly, courts are seeing through the PAS charade and refusing to allow the courtroom to be used as theater for the promotion of junk science."

The Leadership Council on Child Abuse & Interpersonal Violence is composed of national leaders in psychology, psychiatry, medicine, law, and public policy who are committed to the ethical application of psychological science and countering its misuse by special interest groups. Members of the Council are dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of children and other vulnerable populations.  More information can be found at:

Dr. Richard Gardner’s Complete Autopsy Report- Parental Alienation Syndrome

Dr. Richard Gardner’s Complete Autopsy Report- Parental Alienation Syndrome

In domestic law on December 9, 2010 at 5:21 am


Dr. Richard Gardner’s Complete Autopsy Report

Published: June 09, 2003
Correction Appended
Dr. Richard A. Gardner, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who developed a theory about parental alienation syndrome, which he said could lead children in high-conflict custody cases to falsely accuse a parent of abuse, died on May 25 at his home in Tenafly, N.J. He was 72.
The cause was suicide, said Dr. Gardner's son, Andrew, who said his father had been distraught over the advancing symptoms of reflex sympathetic dystrophy, a painful neurological syndrome.
Dr. Gardner, who testified in more than 400 child custody cases, maintained that children who suffered from parental alienation syndrome had been indoctrinated by a vindictive parent and obsessively denigrated the other parent without cause.
In severe cases, he recommended that courts remove children from the homes of the alienating parents and place them in the custody of the parents accused of abuse.
His theory has provoked vehement opposition from some mental health professionals, child abuse experts and lawyers. Critics argue that it lacks a scientific basis, noting that the American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association have not recognized it as a syndrome.

End pro-pedophile pas theory and therapy: We Support Linda Marie Sacks as she Presents her W...

End pro-pedophile pas theory and therapy: We Support Linda Marie Sacks as she Presents her W...: "We Support Linda Marie Sacks as she Presents her Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court Tweet, post, share and join this cause to help..."


EducatingThe Truth About Parental Alienation, STopping the judicial system from using it against parent Learn More

parental alienation theory harming children: Gardner recommended to the Pittsburgh judge someth...

parental alienation theory harming children: Gardner recommended to the Pittsburgh judge someth...: "The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, in performing their civic duty to inform and enlighten, ran a two part investigative story on a tragic custody ..."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

58, 000 children a year are court ordered by family courts into unsupervised visitation contact with physically or sexually abusive parents following a divorce in the U.S. press Please contact: Kathleen Russell Executive Director Center for Judicial Excellence 495 Miller Avenue, Suite 304 Mill Valley, CA 94941 Main 415.388.9600 Fax 415.388.4610

May 5, 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONFERENCE May 6th, 2011 at 12 Noon Location: US Supreme Court     One First Street, NE                                                                                               Washington, DC 20543             ...                                                                                 Sidewalk in front of the US Supreme Court                                                                                               HISTORIC US SUPREME COURT CASE Child Advocates and Legal Scholars are anxiously awaiting the filing of a Petition for Writ of Certiorari on May 6, 2011 at 12 noon at the US Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. in the Sacks v. Sacks case. This truly will be an  Historic Day at the US Supreme Court, for  America’s children and their “Protective Parents”, as this landmark case is being hand delivered by a Florida Mother and exposes a national crisis all over the US. The Sacks v. Sacks case is the perfect opportunity for the US Supreme Court to thoroughly explore and address the issue of Battered Mothers and child abuse, and their documented evidence of “protective parents” losing custody  and the failure of family courts and Child Protective Services to thoroughly investigate and handle Domestic Violence, child sexual/and or child physical abuse cases properly, therefore resulting in a verdict, contrary to the “bests interests of the child(ren)”. Kathleen Russell, from the Center for Judicial Excellence, in the California Progress Report, on 10/19/09 “When Family Courts Get It Wrong”, says “When a parent harms his or her own child, family courts are supposed to step in and safeguard the victim. Can you imagine what a tragedy it would be if courts awarded custody to the wrong parent Actually according to one conservative estimate, more than 58, 000 children a year are court ordered by family courts into unsupervised visitation contact with physically or sexually abusive parents following a divorce in the U.S. The fact that this type of scandal is taking place in the American justice system defies the imagination. Not since the Roman Catholic Church pedophile scandal has the US seen this type of institutional harm inflicted on innocent children.” ( The National Organization for Women, NOW and the NOW Ad Hoc Law Committee are  addressing this issue and in their Spring 2011,  “and explore what can happen to  a protective mother and her children when she does nothing more than to protect her children”, as quoted on page 36 of the Petition for Certiorari. The Petitioner, in the US Supreme Court case, Linda Marie Sacks, has been chosen as the “Poster Mother” of the Family Court Crisis, is interviewed for the article.( Click on the Family Law Spring Newsletter. On April 21, 2011,  in the BMCCVI Digest Number 2011, reports that Eileen King representing Justice for Children participated in the Office of Violence Against Women Roundtable Discussion that took place at George Washington University Law School. The Roundtable was organized by Rita Smith, the Director of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Prof. Joan Meier, Director of the Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project (DVLEAP) at GWU Law School. OVW will post a report about the Roundtable on their website in the near future. ( and ( As noted by Barry Goldstein, Esq. The Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) is part of the US Justice Department that provides grants for programs to reduce and prevent domestic violence. They recently sponsored a forum for their staff and other professionals in various parts of the government to learn about the crisis in the custody court system.  “It was a discussion based upon current scientific research and actual experiences that courts are routinely making catastrophic mistakes in failing to protect children and domestic violence survivors. Linda Marie Sacks, a Florida Mother, truly the “All American Mom”, has only seen her children at the Family Tree House Visitation Center for  82 hours in the last 4 years and 2 months, is challenging the “Best Interests of The Children” Statute 61.13,  as Domestic Violence, child sexual and physical abuse must be considered in a judge’s decision determining the “Best Interests of the Children”. In the Pro se Cert  Petition, Sacks raises  the constitutional implications of a fit parent to the care, custody, of her children, and without a finding of unfitness by clear and convincing evidence, established by the US Supreme Court ruling in Santosky v. Kramer, U.S. 745, 769-770 (1982). Her daughters said in April 2007, “Mommy fight for us and do something every day to get us back and don’t ever stop”. Their Mother not only kept her promise to them, but now is a national spokesperson on the child custody crisis, and is speaking up for her children, and all of America’s children affected by the failure of our justice system to protect our most innocent children from sexual and physical abuse. She is a formidable legal opponent, as she has been self taught, going to “Internet Law School” to continue her legal challenge after spending $140,000 to undo an unjust custody decision. The Fifth District Court of Appeals REVERSED and REMANDED the issue of child custody back to the lower court  for a violation of the Petitioners constitutional rights to due process, in 08/08. This rare reversal provided no relief as the lower court of Judge Shawn L. Briese refused to abide by the Appeals court and refused to protect the children and said one child lied about being sexually abused. In an article by John Weiss, from Post-Bulletin, Rochester, MN , “Do children lie about sexual abuse? Not Usually.” Children do lie, but seldom about being abused. “All human beings can and do lie, but it’s hard for kids to do it about sex”, said Victor Vieth, the director of the national Child Protection Training Center at Winona State University. “They can’t lie about something they have no knowledge of” he said, and children don’t learn about oral sex from Sesame Street. Dr. Deborah Day of Psychological Affiliates, the court ordered custody evaluator said the minor child at 8 years old had pediatric bipolar and that negates any child sexual abuse, and then  thwarted the DCF investigation. The court record clearly showed that the child DID NOT have bipolar, but  the trial court still refused to protect the children, which is typical from cases all over the US.   One day justice will prevail for America’s children. Could it be in the Sacks v. Sacks case?    National Advocacy groups and Mothers will be attending events to shed light on this crisis in America’s Courts. Mothers Day, May 8th, 2011  in Washington DC will also have the Mothers of Lost Children from 6-9:30 PM at the White House.  6:00-9:30 p.m. 6:00 pm speak out 7:00 pm march 7:45 Candlelight vigil Information will be available on Sunday night about activities on Monday. And another group will be having the:   Million Mom March Mother’s Day 2011 in Washington DC Feb 152011 CONTACT:      The Sacks v. Sacks is an historic case. Linda Marie Sacks 386-453-3017 For more information and press Please contact: Kathleen Russell  Executive Director Center for Judicial Excellence 495 Miller Avenue, Suite 304 Mill Valley, CA 94941 Main 415.388.9600 Fax 415.388.4610       IMPORTANT: CJE DOES NOT GIVE LEGAL ADVICE. The information in this e-mail is not intended to serve as legal advice or as a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any particular legal matter. If you have a legal problem, seek professional legal counsel.            See More

33 minutes ago · · ·

Why Parents Who Batter Win Custody by Sarah Childress

Why Parents Who Batter Win Custody
by Sarah Childress

"Parental-alienation syndrome was first introduced by child psychiatrist Richard Gardner in the 1980s. Fathers-rights groups picked up on the idea and began trying it out in court. These groups condemn abusers. But Dan Hogan, executive director of Fathers & Families, a nonprofit group that advocates for joint custody, argues that all too often the accusers lie in order to win custody of their kids.,"

"There's a small but growing movement to ban parental alienation in custody cases, sparked by embattled parents bonding online. They've linked with lawyers and advocates for battered spouses across the country. At least four states, including California, have laws protecting parents who make good-faith abuse allegations. Others may soon follow their lead. Greg Jacob, an attorney who takes cases for abused parents pro bono, is drafting legislation to shop to Virginia and Maryland next month. Meanwhile, parents like Genia keep fighting. "It's so hard, having my children lost," she says, her voice breaking. "This was my life—my children."

Gardner on the sexual aggressiveness of children Gardner suggests that children want to have sex with adults and may seduce them.
Some children experience " high sexual urges in early infancy. " "There is good reason to believe that most, if not all, children have the capacity to reach orgasm at the time they are born." Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse .Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 15)
Children are naturally sexual and may initiate sexual encounters by "seducing" the adult . Gardner, R.A. (1986). Child Custody Litigation: A Guide for Parents and Mental Health Professionals. Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics (p. 93).
If the sexual relationship is discovered, " the child is likely to fabricate so that the adult will be blamed for the initiation ."  Gardner, R.A. (1986). Child Custody Litigation: A Guide for Parents and Mental Health Professionals. Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics (p. 93).
"The normal child exhibits a wide variety of sexual fantasies and behaviors, many of which would be labeled as 'sick' or 'perverted' if exhibited by adults"  Gardner, R.A. (1991). Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 12)
Sex abuse is not necessarily traumatic; the determinant as to whether sexual molestation will be traumatic to the child, is the social attitude toward these encounters. Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (pp. 670-71)
Gardner on therapy with children who are sexually abused by their father
•  Keep the child connected to the abuser  Special care should be taken not alienate the child from the molesting parent. The removal of a pedophilic parent from the home "should only be seriously considered after all attempts at treatment of the pedophilia and rapprochement with the family have proven futile."
Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.(p. 537)
The child should be told that there is no such thing as a perfect parent. "The sexual exploitation has to be put on the negative list, but positives as well must be appreciated"  Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.(p. 572)
  Tell the child that sexual abuse by a father is normal  Older children may be helped to appreciate that sexual encounters between an adult and a child are not universally considered to be reprehensible acts. The child might be told about other societies in which such behavior was and is considered normal. The child might be helped to appreciate the wisdom of Shakespeare's Hamlet, who said, "Nothing's either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."  Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False
Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.(p. 549)
"In such discussions the child has to be helped to appreciate that we have in our society an exaggeratedly punitive and moralistic attitude about adult-child sexual encounters"
Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.(p. 572).
Gardner on mothers who discover that their husband is sexually abusing their child  Gardner blames the father's abuse on the mother, who he faults for not fulfilling her husband sexually. He suggests that therapists should help mother's of incest victims achieve sexual gratification.
•  Discourage litigation.
•  Encourage her to stay with her husband (the abuser)
•  Blame her and the daughter for the sexual abuse by the father
"It may be that one of the reasons the daughter turned toward the father is the
impairment of the child's relationship with the mother"
(pp. 579-80) Gardner, R.A.(1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 585)
•  Help her get over her anger at her husband for sexually abusing their child. "If the mother has reacted to the abuse in a hysterical fashion, or used it as an excuse for a campaign of denigration of the father, then the therapist does well to try and "sober her up".... Her hysterics ... will contribute to the child's feeling that a heinous crime has been committed and will thereby lessen the likelihood of any kind of rapproachment with the father. One has to do everything possible to help her put the "crime" in proper perspective. She has to be helped to appreciate that in most
societies in the history of the world, such behavior was ubiquitous [i.e., everywhere], and this is still the case."
Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (pp. 576-7)
"Perhaps she can be helped to appreciate that in the history of the world his behavior has probably been more common than the restrained behavior of those who do not sexually abuse their children." Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (pp. 585)
•  Encourage her to become more sexually responsive to her husband.
"Her increased sexuality may lessen the need for her husband to return to their daughter for sexual gratification." "Verbal statements about the pleasures of orgastic response are not likely to prove very useful. One has to encourage experiences, under proper situations of relaxation, which will enable her to achieve the goal of orgastic response." "One must try to overcome any inhibition she may have with regard to [the use of vibrators]." "Her own diminished guilt over masturbation will make it easier for her to encourage the practice in her daughter, if this is warranted. And her increased sexuality may lessen the need for her husband to return to their daughter for sexual gratification."
Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 585)
Gardner on fathers who sexually abuse their children
•  Tell him what he did his normal "He has to be helped to appreciate that, even today, it [pedophilia] is a widespread and accepted practice among literally billions of people. He has to appreciate that in our Western society especially, we take a very punitive and moralistic attitude toward such inclinations. He has had a certain amount of back (sic) luck with regard to the place and time he was born with regard to social attitudes toward pedophilia."
Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 593)
He has had bad luck with regard to the place and time he was born with regard to social attitudes toward pedophilia. However, these are not reasons to condemn himself. Gardner, R.A. (1991). Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 119)
  Keep him in the home
The removal of a pedophilic parent from the home "should only be seriously considered after all attempts at treatment of the pedophilia and rapprochement with the family have proven futile" Gardner, R.A. (1991). Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem WitchTrials Revisited . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 119)
•  Help him protect himself
"He must learn to control himself if he is to protect himself from the Draconian punishments meted out to those in our society who act out their pedophilic impulses."
Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill , NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (pp. 585-592)
•  Help him forget about it Therapy with the father should not be spent focusing on the primary problem (I.e.,
sexual molestation). Instead, therapy should be spent "talking about other things"
as the goal of therapy is "to help people forget about their problems"

Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (pp. 585-592)
Gardner on how society should respond to the widespread victimization of children Take a more sympathetic view toward pedophilia "One of the steps that society must take to deal with the present hysteria is to 'come
off it' and take a more realistic attitude toward pedophilic behavior.
" (p. 120)
"The Draconian punishments meted out to pedophiles .go far beyond what I consider to be the gravity of the crime." (p. 118) Gardner, R.A. (1991). Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited. Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.
Abolish mandated reporting of child sexual abuse.
Do away with immunity for reporters of child abuse.
Create federally-funded programs to assist those claiming to have been falsely accused of child sexual abuse.
Gardner, R.A. (1995). Written testimony on HR3588 - Proposed revision of the child abuse prevention and treatment act (CAPTA) (Public Law 93-247).
•  Keep pedophiles in the community
The removal of a pedophilic parent from the home "should only be seriously considered after all attempts at treatment of the pedophilia and rapproachment with the family have proven futile"
Pedophiles who abuse children outside of the home should first be given the opportunity for community treatment. "If that fails then and only then should some
kind of forced incarceration be considered"
Gardner, R.A. (1991). Sex Abuse
Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 119)
Gardner on Child abuse hysteria
Child abuse allegations are the "third-greatest wave of hysteria" the nation has seen, following the Salem witch trials and the McCarthyite persecution of leftists. Gardner, R.A. (1993, February 22). Modern witch hunt--child abuse charges. The Wall Street Journal, p. A10.
"We are currently living in dangerous times, similar to Nazi Germany. Sexual abuse hysteria is omnipresent." Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. xxv)
Who is to Blame for "Child Abuse Hysteria"? •  People who voice negative feelings against pedophiles
"During their harangues against the 'perverts' who are the objects of their scorn, they often rise to a level of excitation that can readily be seen as sexual. . . .Psychological, such individuals are ever fighting to repress their own unacceptable pedophilic impulses, which are continually pressing for release."
Gardner, R.A.(1991). Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics (pp. 30-31).
•  The legal system - including judges
"There is no question that abuse cases are "turn ons" for the wide variety of individuals involved in them, the accuser(s), the prosecutors, the lawyers, the judges , the evaluators, the psychologists, the reporters, the readers of the newspapers, and everyone else involved - except for the falsely accused and the innocent victim ..Everyone is getting their 'jollies, ." Gardner, R.A. (1991). Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem
Witch Trials Revisited . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 31).
"Judges . too may have repressed pedophilic impulses over which there is
suppression, repression, and guilt. Inquiry into the details of the case provides voyeuristic and vicarious gratifications .. Incarcerating the alleged perpetrator may serve psychologically to obliterate the judge's own projected pedophilic impulses."
Gardner, R.A. (1991). Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited .Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 107)
•  Sexually inhibited mothers
"The mother . is . psychologically gratifying [her own sexually inhibited needs] with the visual imagery that the sex abuse allegation provides." Gardner, R.A. (1991). Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics (pp.36-37).
•  Greedy parents
"Many are victims of their greed, which is so enormous that they blind themselves to the psychological traumas they are subjecting their children to in the service of winning lawsuits that promise them enormous wealth."
Gardner, R.A. (1991). Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited . Cresskill, NJ:Creative Therapeutics (p 43).
•  Judeo-Christian principles
"It is of interest that of all the ancient peoples it may very well be that the Jews were the only ones who were punitive toward pedophiles.. Our present overreaction to pedophilia represents an exaggeration of Judeo-Christian principles and is a significant factor operative in Western society's atypicality with regard to such activities  Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (pp. 46-7